El Condoro -> Empire of the Eagle (fantasy campaign) RELEASE (9/29/2019 11:57:35 PM)
RELEASE NOTES This is the first release of the Empire of the Eagle custom campaign. It has got to the stage where I am too close to it and need someone else's eyes to see whether it's any good or not! I'm also sick of always knowing what my opponent is going to do. So, if you're so inclined, download the campaign and give it a try. Notes It has been designed for Hotseat and PBEM++ play - I haven't done any AI work with it, so I have no idea how it would play as Single Player. I am not a graphics expert (as you will see from the graphical edits I have made!) If you'd like to have a go at improving them, especially the icons, feel free to. The Strategy Guide is under construction and included here as an introduction only. Please add any comments here or PM me if you like. I have started a PBEM++ game with the password of 'Eagle' - first in gets the game. Empire of the Eagle zip file Empire of the Eagle Strategy Guide ================================ ORIGINAL POST ================================== This is an introduction for the fantasy campaign that I am working on. It is far from finished and not even at beta stage yet but I am just testing the waters to see if there is much interest in this kind of thing out there. In this screen shot the bleaklands of Guartenheim (bottom-right) prepare to launch an assault into Guildford through the tunnels dug by purple worms through the Herculein Mountains. Meanwhile, Draca the Dreadwyrm has launched a surprise attack against the Kingdom of Angnord in the north. As you can see from the mini-map, this is just a part of what is going on in the Upper World. Empire of the Eagle The pretender, Imhotep, prepares to launch a 3-pronged attack against The Ancients. Desert assault (Please let me know if the links don't work)