Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (Full Version)

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Joe Meyer -> Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/8/2019 8:50:34 PM)

I'm still using Windows XP as my Operating System simply because I like it and I've taken all of the precautions to keep it safe. Yet, the game developers are claiming that it is much too tedious to support XP in all of their new offerings. So for those of us like me who've not breathlessly run out to purchase a new computer we've now become the shunned. We are now the stupid people who can't keep up with modern technology. It's fashionable to regards XP users as losers, too old and dumb to realize what they are missing, too dense to understand that the world won't standstill for just them, too obnoxious to believe that there is such a thing as obsolete!

I used to be able to dial up Steam and play a nice little solitaire game of Atlantic Fleet. Can't do that anymore! Can't do a lot of things like that anymore!

t001001001 -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/8/2019 8:53:43 PM)

A lot of software developers no longer support my Commodore64

Zorch -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/8/2019 9:04:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: t001001001

A lot of software developers no longer support my Commodore64

Same for my Atari 800. Oh the Shame of it!

Kuokkanen -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/8/2019 9:06:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: t001001001

A lot of software developers no longer support my Commodore64

Do you have this game yet?

Otherwise feel free to keep all your old computers & consoles and use them to play those games that you have on floppy disks, optical discs, or memory cards (a.k.a. modules). And as you can see from YouTube video above, new games are still made for outdated hardware & operating systems. There are also tons of older games on floppies and discs going around eBay and the likes for your old hardware.

For newer games and Steam you can buy a little used laptop for few hundred $$/€/£, which should be enough to run great majority of Matrix/Slitherine games and anything made with RPG Maker.

If you want to download games for your old computers, it's doable. Many Steam games run just fine without Steam client software (NOT Aggressors: Ancient Rome), so just copy from new computer to your old one (USB memory devices are handy for that). Good Old Games is safer bet for that though. I downloaded Ultima IV from GOG (it's free over there), copied it to 3½" floppy disk, and ran it on my father's old computer with AMD 386SX 40 MHz processor. I had presumed HDD had died on that one, so I made a boot disk with my WinXP computer and used it to start the machine. Turned out BIOS battery had corroded & died, and after replacing that I Googled HDD model, set it up on BIOS, and HDD & whole computer works again like it did ... 25 years ago [8|]

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/8/2019 9:16:23 PM)



I'm still using Windows XP as my Operating System simply because I like it and I've taken all of the precautions to keep it safe. Yet, the game developers are claiming that it is much too tedious to support XP in all of their new offerings. So for those of us like me who've not breathlessly run out to purchase a new computer we've now become the shunned. We are now the stupid people who can't keep up with modern technology. It's fashionable to regards XP users as losers, too old and dumb to realize what they are missing, too dense to understand that the world won't standstill for just them, too obnoxious to believe that there is such a thing as obsolete!

I used to be able to dial up Steam and play a nice little solitaire game of Atlantic Fleet. Can't do that anymore! Can't do a lot of things like that anymore!

XP was released more than 18 years ago. It's no longer even partly secure and hasn't been supported at all in more than 5 years. Approx 1.32% of users worldwide run it.

I am not sure how old your machine running it is, but I feel confident in saying that upgrading to a machine with a modern CPU and SSD will be like taking a trip to the future [:)]



sullafelix -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/8/2019 9:27:30 PM)

I was like you, but finally took the plunge over the summer. I had too. I was upgrading and the CPU would not run on W7.

I have yet to find any old game that will not run on it. As far as games that would run on W7 without a work around like DOSBox etc.

t001001001 -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/8/2019 10:56:23 PM)

Also, Pip, I'd like to complain that it takes 117yrs w/ my 600 baud modem to download any of the games you guys currently develop. What's up w/ that? [;)]

Zorch -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 12:38:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: t001001001

Also, Pip, I'd like to complain that it takes 117yrs w/ my 600 baud modem to download any of the games you guys currently develop. What's up w/ that? [;)]

600 baud? My acoustic coupler only gets 120 baud. I just love the sound of it connecting...

Curtis Lemay -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 12:46:02 AM)




ORIGINAL: t001001001

Also, Pip, I'd like to complain that it takes 117yrs w/ my 600 baud modem to download any of the games you guys currently develop. What's up w/ that? [;)]

600 baud? My acoustic coupler only gets 120 baud. I just love the sound of it connecting...

Anyone still using smoke signals?

Lobster -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 3:10:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: t001001001

A lot of software developers no longer support my Commodore64

I still have my 486 mother board, cpu and memory. I could likely slap it all together. But why?

Kuokkanen -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 4:01:24 AM)




ORIGINAL: t001001001

A lot of software developers no longer support my Commodore64

I still have my 486 mother board, cpu and memory. I could likely slap it all together. But why?

To play old games without emulation? Emulation may bring some issues from glitches with sound and gfx to latency (major complaint with NES Classic Mini & the likes)

Crossroads -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 6:51:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: t001001001

A lot of software developers no longer support my Commodore64

I was going to give my strong objection to this sentence, but fair enough, there are lot of software developers who no longer support C64.

But with C64 Mini out last year, and a full size C64 replica in the making, these are grand times. Grand times, I tell ya!

AndySfromVA -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 1:35:07 PM)

The poster raises a serious point. I have a PC with built-in graphics that's incapable of running many newer 3d programs. I'm very reluctant to invest in newer games (like the upcoming PZ Corps 2) that might not run well. And some of the older games don't run well on Windows 10.

Karri -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 2:26:36 PM)



The poster raises a serious point. I have a PC with built-in graphics that's incapable of running many newer 3d programs. I'm very reluctant to invest in newer games (like the upcoming PZ Corps 2) that might not run well. And some of the older games don't run well on Windows 10.

The only serious point he raises is:


too obnoxious to believe that there is such a thing as obsolete!

Now spending 800 dollars on a new computer (which doesn't get you the best possible computer, but will keep you up to date) every three years or so might be a bit expensive from some perspective, but if I count it as per hour cost it's pennies(and that's only calculating time spent gaming).

Montbrun -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 4:02:27 PM)

I'm definitely an "old timer," but use CAD products for a living. I've found that Windows-7 Pro, which is loaded on my personal computer, is an excellent alternative to the newer Windows versions, and I think, is still available and supported.

stuart3 -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 4:39:27 PM)


I've found that Windows-7 Pro, which is loaded on my personal computer, is an excellent alternative to the newer Windows versions, and I think, is still available and supported.

Available? Only by back door methods.
Supported? Yes, and it will be for all of the next three months. Microsoft will cease supporting it on 14th January 2020.

We Win 7 users will have to change operating systems after that. My mind isn't fully made up yet, but I am seriously thinking of learning to use Linux.

Zovs -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 5:39:05 PM)

Linux is a very good way to go. I have been using it since 1996. You'll want to learn something easy like either Ubuntu and Mate (Ubuntu is the O/S version and Mate is the Desktop to use with it), both are very easy to use and get used to Linux with.

Windows 10 is really not all that bad once you get used to it. In fact in my opinion its much better then Windows 7. Windows XP is just dead.

I am also learning MacOS which is kind of neat, but I don't think a lot of games are designed for it, if any?

Kuokkanen -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 5:53:21 PM)



Linux is a very good way to go. I have been using it since 1996. You'll want to learn something easy like either Ubuntu and Mate (Ubuntu is the O/S version and Mate is the Desktop to use with it), both are very easy to use and get used to Linux with.

I thought Ubuntu comes with Gnome by default? In any case, I don't recommend Ubuntu nor most of the derivatives (Kubuntu with KDE) for outdated hardware. I've got Gentoo on one outdated laptop, and it really doesn't meet definition of "user friendly". And I have read Slackware (from 1990's if not before) is even worse.

What comes to Win7 support, I just tried Windows Update and I get an error that says the service isn't running.

stuart3 -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 6:35:01 PM)


You'll want to learn something easy like either Ubuntu


I don't recommend Ubuntu

That's one of the problems I have been coming up against. Every 10 Linux users seem to generate 15 opinions. Some of them mutually contradictory. [:D]

Kuokkanen -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:01:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: stuart3


You'll want to learn something easy like either Ubuntu


I don't recommend Ubuntu

That's one of the problems I have been coming up against. Every 10 Linux users seem to generate 15 opinions. Some of them mutually contradictory. [:D]

Look here, you need to consider the reasons why something is recommended or not. As I understand it, Ubuntu is Linux equivalent of Windows 10 that requires several gigabytes worth of RAM. Gentoo on other hand can make do with only 1 gigabyte worth of RAM, and even less, but requires Hell of reading, experimentation, and frustration. There are some distros that fall between. Some of the Arch Linux could be worthy consideration for outdated hardware. Look up some computer magazines (in print) with articles about Linux and proceed from there. Or Google Arch Linux.

Lobster -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:18:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Montbrun

I'm definitely an "old timer," but use CAD products for a living. I've found that Windows-7 Pro, which is loaded on my personal computer, is an excellent alternative to the newer Windows versions, and I think, is still available and supported.

Supported until January 2020 at which time it will be supported for businesses only and for a fee. Each year beyond 2020 the cost will increase for a period of time until it's completely dropped.

Zovs -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:20:34 PM)

Centos 8 is really great to as well as Linux Mint.

Here is the deal, you can get these to run on 2 GB of RAM and 50 GB HDD with no issues. In fact Centos is prob best for old worn out h/w.

If you have a decent Windows 10 machine (8 GB of RAM or more and at least a 500 GB HDD, both of which are pretty standard and run about $300-600) you can use Oracle VirtualBox and make some VM's and give them a spin and see which one you like.

For web or software development I generally like Centos 8. For other things I like Mint.

I don't like Slackware, Arch or Google. And I tried Gentoo and it was lacking compared to Centos.

Lobster -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:21:35 PM)





The poster raises a serious point. I have a PC with built-in graphics that's incapable of running many newer 3d programs. I'm very reluctant to invest in newer games (like the upcoming PZ Corps 2) that might not run well. And some of the older games don't run well on Windows 10.

The only serious point he raises is:


too obnoxious to believe that there is such a thing as obsolete!

Now spending 800 dollars on a new computer (which doesn't get you the best possible computer, but will keep you up to date) every three years or so might be a bit expensive from some perspective, but if I count it as per hour cost it's pennies(and that's only calculating time spent gaming).

No need to replace the entire machine. Max out memory and throw in a new vid card from time to time depending on what games you play. Should be good for a few years. You would be surprised how long you can keep an old machine going with new hardware for much less than a new machine costs.

zakblood -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:24:09 PM)

i used to walk alot,

now i have a car, so drive.

before i walked i crawled, progress comes with age.

i love tech and loved DOS, but windows 10 just works better and easier than the rest, if it didn't. i'd also be on something else

stuart3 -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:35:34 PM)

It depends what you mean by outdated hardware. My PC is elderly, but still powerful. I have a second gen i5 running at 3.0GHz, updated with 16Gb ram, a 500Gb SSD, and a GTX970. The only thing that is really outdated is the motherboard which only supports USB2, but I can continue to live with that.

My current thinking is to add a Linux distro so as to have a dual boot machine with a switch on the broadband cable so that I can use Linux for web searches, email, etc., but have the option to cut the broadband connection and retain the current Win7 setup for when I want to use it as an offline games console.

zakblood -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:51:44 PM)

i use some tech older with windows 10 fine, my main testing rig is only a i7 with 16GB of ram and a Nvidia 960 tbh with 4GB of ram, a 512GB SDD and a 1TB hybrid, works fien for most of the stuff i'm testing with no issues

i still use some dual core laptops,. again with win 10 and yes onboard vga and slower 5400 hard drive

Kuokkanen -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 7:53:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: stuart3

It depends what you mean by outdated hardware.

It falls under recommended hardware.


My PC is elderly, but still powerful. I have a second gen i5 running at 3.0GHz, updated with 16Gb ram, a 500Gb SSD, and a GTX970. The only thing that is really outdated is the motherboard which only supports USB2, but I can continue to live with that.

You can also buy an expansion card with USB 3 ports and plug it in the mother board. That's the way I got USB 1 on my first own PC with Win95.

zakblood -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 8:03:03 PM)

USB 3 is only useful if you use it or have devices that like and can use the extra speed, as i do, yes it's nice to use and like above said, pc slots can upgrade to almost anything keeping slower older tech alive for longer

Zorch -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/9/2019 9:29:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood

USB 3 is only useful if you use it or have devices that like and can use the extra speed, as i do, yes it's nice to use and like above said, pc slots can upgrade to almost anything keeping slower older tech alive for longer

Remember that the cable also has to support the much higher speed of USB 3.

demyansk -> RE: Are Oldtimers Getting Shut Out? (10/10/2019 12:58:38 AM)

Windows 10 works well

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