CPT Shoe -> Home of the free (7/4/2003 7:05:10 PM)
Returned to the land of SPWAW... Good to be back (my wife thinks I missed my 'Puter more than her...she knows better, but says it anyway) To everybody that I was engaged in a game with: Please drop me a line with our status. I have about 2000 emails from the time I was gone, I doubt I will have the time or desire to glean through and find where I am at. M4Jess and Rbrunsman: I have an intense desire to return to "Beyond the beachhead" Viking: Marines Rule! spent some hellashish moments reliving life in An Nasiriyah with TF Tarawa and other from I MEF. Love the culture and the bulldog cult, the Army could learn a few things about being a rifleman first!! Bottom line: IZ is not a nice place!! Glad to be back