BHunterSEAL -> RE: Dug in positions (4/5/2020 8:48:40 PM)
I'm sorry to report that I've tried a number of different approaches to get foxholes / gun pits and nothing has worked. When the 'dug-in' indicator appears for my forces, I'll try placing guns and infantry in open terrain, away from hills, cover and other obstructions, using both Defend and Ambush orders, but no change to the map is made and no cover indicator appears. The camouflage feature for vehicles and guns does seem to work, however. It's lost after firing for the first time. A question about this--do crewed weapons (heavier than HMGs, I mean) benefit from either Cover or Concealment terrain benefits? They don't get the green / blue indicators but this would be a bit of a change from the old CC games.