Harrybanana -> RE: Advancements (6/11/2020 6:11:40 AM)
ORIGINAL: ncc1701e Might be cool to have at least these conversions: Infantry: Assault <--> Anti Tank When going on offense or defense... Armor / Mechanized: Breakthrough <--> Heavy Armor When going from Pz II to Panther... Strategic Bombers: Detection & Electronics <--> Strategic Bombing When Battle of Atlantic is done and you can concentrate on factories... I would agree with the first two, but not so sure about the last. The aircraft used for anti-sub (ie detection and electronics) were often different than those used for strategic bombing. As far as the US was concerned they were, from I think 43 on, controlled by the Navy. My own wish list: 1. Give FBs much greater TAC strength, 2. Add another OP point to Breakthrough in 42 (so that they will have 11 OPs). This might almost make it worth it to research rather than Heavy armour.