Question about naval moves/invasions (Full Version)

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toddtreadway -> Question about naval moves/invasions (10/26/2019 1:49:11 PM)

New to the game.

As the Italians, I was moving toward Alexandria, but my supply ran low so I started to pull back. I then saw the port of Haifa was unoccupied, so I took my Italian corps that had been sitting in Tobruk, they packed their bags and jumped on a ship and sailed into the port and occupied it, then marched into Jerusalem (on the same turn). The British fleet just sat in Alexandria, doing nothing.

Same thing happened on the North side. After France surrendered, the Germans were milling about Northern France, wondering where to go next. The UK left the port of Dover unoccupied, so my infantry corps jumped in a ship, sailed across the Channel and into the port. The British had plenty of aircraft within range as well as fleets.

The question I have is: do fleets or aircraft in any way interdict naval movement/invasions on the other player's turn? Also, when I got to Dover, my supply was a 9. I thought port supply was an 8.

It looks like it is imperative to garrison every port.

Very fun game so far!!


gwgardner -> RE: Question about naval moves/inviasions (10/26/2019 2:09:58 PM)

In general, for naval or air interception to take place:

1) a naval force has to be AT SEA, in fleet mode, not raider mode, and in range of the invading force's destination hex;

2) a land-based air interception can occur when bombers are in range, and in full support mode.

Of course they have to be supplied and have oil.

If you're playing the AI, then perhaps further work on the AI will have to take place to ensure that 1) ports are occupied by garrisons, and/or intercepting forces are avaiable.

if you're playing against yourself or other human opponent, you're going to have to supply those troops you invaded with - a competent human player can give you grief.

toddtreadway -> RE: Question about naval moves/invasions (10/26/2019 2:10:05 PM)

And the other beachhead....


toddtreadway -> RE: Question about naval moves/invasions (10/26/2019 2:10:51 PM)

Thanks for the info! Playing against AI.

Just found the rule you are referring to on pages 95-96 of the manual.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Question about naval moves/inviasions (10/26/2019 2:49:07 PM)

This might be a script error. The UK should have fleets patrolling out at sea. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. It is on my list to investigate this Monday. I want to fix many a bug before the 1st patch. I have about 15 items so far.

Dover was a script error that has been corrected.

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