LaughingBuccaneer -> BBC 4 Cold War season starts Monday 4th November (10/31/2019 7:29:09 PM)
Not sure whether this is the right place to post this news but I've yet to find a CMANO section on upcoming Programs of Historical interest to CMANO enthusiasts, particularly those who's biggest interest is the Cold War period. Anyway BBC 4 commemorates the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, 30 years ago this year with it's very own Cold War Season. The first of 4 episodes begins on Monday 4th November at 9pm ( 21:00 hrs ) UK time. Of the 4 Episodes scheduled next month, I'm sure the first episode entitled A British Guide to the End of the World will be most intriguing. BBC4 - Cold War season commemorates the Fall of the Berlin Wall British Cold War experience writeup in The Guardian: The Guardian - Sheds light on Britain's Civil Defence preparations during the Cold War Also the very next day BBC Scotland shows Nukes, Subs & Secrets on Tuesday 5th of November at 10 pm ( 22:00 hrs ) UK time or for viewers residing south of the border or outside the UK; It should be available the following day on BBC I-Player with the help of VPN ( military grade VPN ) when viewing from abroad. BBC Scotland - TV clip of Nukes, Subs & Secrets