Secret Soviet Coup in Greece? (Full Version)

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marion61 -> Secret Soviet Coup in Greece? (11/7/2019 10:57:48 PM)

I noticed this game that the Greek Coastal DD that starts in Athens when Greece activates, is the color of Soviet Ships. Once you take that DD out of port, you cannot enter another (can't get thru Istanbul to see if I can dock in Soviet ports). Once I put that DD into the rail hex above Athens I got it back into supply.

The British and the Greeks attacked Bulgaria (no Russian Units), and into Albania. When Bulgaria surrendered all that territory that is a darker color is now Soviet territory. Were all buddies, but they could have warned me of their takeover before putting my Greek allies out of supply. I have a save of the game if you want it.


AlvaroSousa -> RE: Secret Soviet Coup in Greece? (11/8/2019 1:52:44 AM)

It's aligning to the USSR. I'll fix that thanks.

Man those counters look good.

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