Alpha77 -> RE: IJN warship production acceleration (11/15/2019 1:08:53 PM)
I am accelerating all DDs and E classes already. The Musashi is stopped. Still I cannot speed up more then 1 CV..[:(] However it seems the worth of IJN subs really decreases in 43+, so the idea to stop some of the subs sounds sound. There is a sub class with the older type89 torps as well one with only 2 torps (both are slow and low range), guess there is no real use for the one (HA class?) with only 2 torps and a gun. I had a Fletcher (perhaps a bit damaged before?) most lickely sunk by a type 89 torp tho (I hope so at least untill the dreaded "unsunk" messages).. but I lost quite a bit of subs (luckily mostly the RO classes). I am now also sorry I lost the Yamato already, I found now a good use for both ships, as floating coastal batteries at worthy bases with big airfields. This is also does not cost so much fuel for them....I would like to build the Musashi but too expensive. The Yamato + company was send in a bombardement mission in the Salomones, but stumbled across 2 big Allied fleets, at least better then in reality it took an old USN BB with it (Utah?) and the battle animations were quite exciting to watch.. I have to say the DD losses I suffered (PBM IJ) hurt the most, especially that I myself sunk 4 Shimakaze DDs by neclecting them air support, still hurting....these did quite ok vs. Fletchers. This is scen2 and I will get a few more Shimakazes but these 4 ships also had good exp from former fights (in the 80ties [:(]). Also 2 good DDs sunk by PTs [8|] Allied secret weapon... and 3 or 4 older DDs plus 2 older CLs sunk by Fletcher fleet. I apparently made another mistake by docking them to refuel/rearm, but I forgot to undock (would be cool if the game engine would do this automaticly), so they were sitting ducks.