Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (Full Version)

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marion61 -> Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 1:12:34 PM)

I guess the partisans gave up on us playing "whack a mole" since I was winning, and decided to create and entire army and air army to spice things up. I post this because I hadn't seen this happen before, and while very annoying, it's just more dead Russians.


gwgardner -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 2:03:26 PM)

Assuming that's a bug, try to provide a save for the developer.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 2:13:37 PM)

Is Italy at war with the USSR?

marion61 -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 3:22:47 PM)

I had a save already saved in case someone asked for it.[;)] At the moment I seem to have forgotten how to upload a file. I have it zipped up and ready, but all I get for file extensions are for pic files.

Yes, Italy is at war with the Soviets.

ncc1701e -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 3:32:07 PM)

Could you please confirm your patch level as well? It may help Alvaro.

gwgardner -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 4:10:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: marion61

I had a save already saved in case someone asked for it.[;)] At the moment I seem to have forgotten how to upload a file. I have it zipped up and ready, but all I get for file extensions are for pic files.

Yes, Italy is at war with the Soviets.

You could pm the zip to Alvaro, or make a post in this thread and use the check boxes at the bottom of the post window to attach the zip.

marion61 -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 4:11:14 PM)


AlvaroSousa -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 5:34:32 PM)

You might have killed the partisan and not taken the hex. So now it is Soviet control and a unit popped out.

marion61 -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 8:18:02 PM)

The turn before, the hex had partisan activity (not a partisan unit) So I drove the Italian Unit up next to the city (I had no more movement) and thought I'd converted the hex, but the next turn the Soviet units showed up. My zoc should have been covering the city (Italian unit has full MP in the pic), but I was greeted by Vodka and Borscht. The next turn after this one I kept playing, and up north around Kirov it happened again, but I had no units in range. It's hard to finish off the Russians if entire armies start showing up in the rear. You'd have to garrison every city in Russia and I need those guys for the west, not guarding Vodka and Borscht depots. So I'm not real sure it's a bug or not.

FelixCulpa -> RE: Partisans Make an Army and Air Army? (11/10/2019 8:39:24 PM)

A Division does not exert a ZOC, but I think the unit in question is a Corps (xxx).

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