What is your preferred method to play Flashpoint Campaigns? (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Flashpoint Campaigns Series >> Requested Features and Ideas


What is your preferred method to play Flashpoint Campaigns?

I play scenarios
  24% (21)
I battle through the campaigns
  12% (11)
I play as NATO
  24% (21)
I play as the Warsaw Pact
  14% (12)
I like the challenge of PBEM
  5% (5)
I enjoy playing Hot Seat
  1% (1)
I sit back and watch the AI fight it out
  3% (3)
I play against the savvy AI
  12% (11)

Total Votes : 85
(last vote on : 12/12/2019 3:23:50 PM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


CapnDarwin -> What is your preferred method to play Flashpoint Campaigns? (11/11/2019 12:47:26 PM)

How do you like to play the game? Select all that apply. Discuss if you like.

wodin -> RE: What is your preferred method to play Flashpoint Campaigns? (11/11/2019 3:55:58 PM)

Wow surprised about the low campaign figure!

hapshott -> RE: What is your preferred method to play Flashpoint Campaigns? (11/11/2019 4:44:47 PM)


I have the feeling that one option is not there: I enjoy playing against the AI.

I think that most people do not play against a human opponent. This is the strength of a computer game. Otherwise you could also use vassal and play a boardgame.

Me personally do not have the opportunity to commit myself to a long play by email session.

Best regards,


CapnDarwin -> RE: What is your preferred method to play Flashpoint Campaigns? (11/11/2019 5:18:41 PM)

Added the AI option. Thanks.

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