Hellen_slith -> RE: Do you play scenarios more than once? (12/31/2019 3:53:38 PM)
ORIGINAL: altipueri Do you revel in your victory or rage at the unfairness of defeat and have another go? I have more scenarios than I could play in a lifetime, and several games with random scenario generators so I could have something different every time forever. But like a dog returning to its vomit there are some that I just keep going back to - e.g. Arrancourt 44 in The Operational Art of War I haven't tried Arrancourt, but for replayability in TOAW I would suggest The Next War 1979 D21 Russo-German War The Russo-German War seems to have a robust PO, the best PO I have played Next War PO is not as robust, I play that solitaire a lot