Tiramisu -> RE: CMO: Unit Disobeying Mission Altitude (11/15/2019 5:24:59 PM)
You mean the manual override box? At first it was unchecked and the unit totally ignored the station altitude of his mission. He flew much higher than the station altitude, when he arrived at his blue lined route and maintained his wrong altitude on 25000 feet. Only the "Desired Altitude" displayed in the F2-window matched with the station altitude. Afterwards I have checked the override box and entered the the altitude number. Still nothing happened. Then I adjusted the altitude slider and suddenly it worked. Unfortunately this is the only thing that seems to work to change the AI altitude. Btw. I encountered this bug in the second scenario in Shifting Sands. Maybe that has something to do with it. Another bug I have observed while playing this scenario is that when I try to adjust the altitude of aircraft on ground strike missions, then the F2-window sometimes disappears and it will not come back no matter how often I press F2 or click on that blue button in the shortcut bar. Only after game restart I can access the F2-window again. Am I the only one with these bugs? It makes playing CMO almost impossible for me at the moment.