mazex -> Reproducable CTD Bug in CMO Steam edition with editor (11/15/2019 4:24:33 PM)
I had this bug yesterday - and also after the first patch today. Version 1.00.11156 I pulled up my old "Baltic Storm" scenario that I started doing in the closed Beta for CMANO way back, so it's probably a rather interesting mess ;) Fixed some "bugs" where I could not update to latest DB as the Su-27S' and Mig-29's had illegal loadouts from the old version. Tried to fix some problems with the initial Soviet attack by Su-24's and Su-17's that flew at 36000 feet etc, and took an unexpected route to target, SU-24's not bombing the F17 runway etc. I got it almost running as desired by scrapping the old missions and redoing them instead. But when I go in to click the different nav waypoints for the 4 wings of Su-17's that start over Kalininggrad to set a low approach I get a CTD with no error message and the sound continues to run in the background. So this is reproducable by selecting "846 OMSHAP Wing 2" -> click on the mission route on WP3 -> cycle through the waypoints with the arrow left -> CTD and Command.exe (32 bit by the way) or launcher.exe continues running in the background with sound etc... Have Windows 1909 x64 fully patched - RTX 2080 with 441.20 drivers. Another thing - when I set the posture for Soviet as an initial "Hostile" instead of "Enemy" - that is not saved. So when I reload the scenario, Soviet is an enemy of Sweden again, instead of just hostile. Might be built in historical hatred for Sweden being in the bad historical company of Napoleon and Hitler by trying to capture Moscow (getting rather far - but failing all three)... Scenario attached. EDIT - and it really is annoying that you still cannot change the loadout of AC in the air in the editor...