DWReese -> RE: Command Modern Operations update - Build 1115.7 (11/18/2019 11:06:50 AM)
Almost everything connected to strike paths works perfectly. I did find two relatively minor things: For some reason, when returning to the base after a strike mission, a two-plane group seems to travel at two different speeds. One plane is moving at 520 kts, and the other (his wingman) is traveling at 480 kts. This is easily recognized by the fact that the fuel bars are decidedly uneven. Also, and this may be tied to the above issue, planes assigned as ESCORTS follow their striker home, allow the striker to land, but then the ESCORTS don't land themselves. Instead, they fly circles around next to the base. Congrats on so quickly fixing these other issues. The file is a test scenario that I use. It is designed to test numerous things at the same time. At this point the ASW is still searching for a sub and is not involved in this discussion. Another strike group is returning from another strike. The group to the immediate right, however, is the topic. It was an ESCORT for a striker, which had already landed. Notice the difference in the fuel bar. Earlier, while flying home, one of the two ESCORTS was traveling at 520 while the other was at 480. Now, that their striker has landed, both are together and merely circling. EDIT 1: I just tried another strike, this time with a EA-6 as an ESCORT. Same thing. The strikers all land, but the ESCORT continues to circle to the right of his airbase. So, it appears that this is isolated to ESCORTS. EDIT 2: I forgot to mention it, but you can MANUALLY order the ESCORTS to RTB, which they will do. Otherwise, they will continue to circle, and just before they run out of fuel they will land.