Immobility Repairs!! (Full Version)

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Irinami -> Immobility Repairs!! (7/8/2003 9:36:02 AM)

Gentlemen, Lady, and the Vast Majority of you:

Mine Immobility will repair.

Paris, turn 10/33, 6/24/40. A PzKpfw-IIIe and a Krupp L2H143 had hit mines while leaving their barges on the first turn of this river-crossing scenario (Long-WWII). On turn 10, both--having taken ZERO fire, and spending several turns with infantry in their hexes (the Krupp had a number of infantry and crews hanging around demining their hex)--had a 'Vehicle Immobility Repaired.' They had both been immobilized by the mines.

It happens. Be happy!!

chief -> (7/8/2003 10:30:59 AM)

In the 2nd scenario of MCNA, two germ tanks were disabled by mines, placed engineers in hex to remove mines, tanks went to imobilized, and a few turns later, after the mines were gone and the crew morale back up, the tanks were on the way again. Unfortunately one tank found another mine and was completely destroyed. FWIW:) :cool:

Vathailos -> Yuppers! (7/8/2003 8:38:50 PM)

Isn't this game the BEST?!!

I was SO surprised when this happened, plesantly so of course. I didn't think it was possible with "inflicted damage" but I guess it's simulating a blown up tire or track that the crew changes.


Did your vehicles still have to have intact tool boxes to effect the repairs? I think mine did.

Good info to share! :D

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