Russian attack on Sigonella US Str. Bombers. REV.3 released for testing (Full Version)

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Clockmaster77 -> Russian attack on Sigonella US Str. Bombers. REV.3 released for testing (11/19/2019 3:53:36 PM)

Hi. I post here this new scenario, in a deep testing phase. It gives me some little problems, for a few bugs that I promptly reported to the tech support, and that was probably related to my config, I hope at least. Please help me testing it: Is playable from three points of view (NATO, Russia and an U.S. AEGIS Missile Cruiser Surface Group) and about me it is potentially a very fun scenario, but it needs deep testing before being published here and on Steam Workshop. Here's the description, let me know if You all like it:

Russian attack on Sigonella American Strategic Bombers.

In September 2021, United States decides to establish a permanent Strategic Bomber Wing on Sigonella NATO Air Base in Sicily, Italy.

They should act as a deterrence force agains further Russian actions in Crimea (Ukraine) and Syria.

After few months, winds of war rises: a Russian Carrier Strike Group is instructed to plan and execute a surgical strike on Sigonella Air Base, trying to destroy the Strategic B-2 Stealth Bombers and Strategic B-1B Transonic Bombers here stationed, with an unexpected retaliatory and higly provocative action.

The Scenario is playable from:

- Nato Italian Air Bases, having at disposal the aircrafts and missile batteries in Sigonella and Gioia del Colle Air Bases, with the task of completely sunk the CV Admiral Kuznetsov and prevent the destruction of the Strategic Bombers, possibly disabling the entire enemy Surface Naval Group.

- Russian Carrier Strike Group led by CV Admiral Kuznetsov and several Guided Missile Cruisers, which task is to completely destroy at least one group of Strategic Bombers, with the assistance of an Attack Submarine.

- United States Navy Surface Group, composed by three of the last type of Ticonderoga AEGIS Guided Missile Cruisers, assisted by an Attack Submarine. The Group was overseeing what they thought was a Russian military exercise, when the enemy starts the aggression. NATO and U.S. Navy were caught by surprise, so no U.S. Aircraft Carrier were deployed in the area. The task of the U.S. Navy Missile Cruisers and of the Submarine is to sunk CV Admiral Kuznetsov ship at all costs, despite their numerical inferiority, and prevent the destruction of the Stategic Bombers at Sigonella.

Let me know about any problems, feedbacks are very welcome, especially on the playability of the scenario and for its calibration with the addition or deletion of some units. Feedback are welcome also about the Scenario Description: let me know about hystorical/political/technological/operational inaccuracies, any advice is welcome to further improve the type and quality of the units placed in the scenery.
Pleas Note Scoring is present but for main tasks accomplishment only, at this stage, and need a strong test phase too.

Thank You all and Goodbye.

serjames -> RE: A new Scenario for testing. (11/19/2019 6:49:54 PM)

Firstly thanks for posting the scenario. Always cool to see new missions to test - thanks !

Played as USN SAG

Immediate feedback would be EMCON and available units for Surveillance - might be a mission decision but the friendly Ticons all start with Passive EMCON orders over-ruled by active selections on their radars, sonar and ECM... does make them stick out a bit.

I noticed no rotary wing aircraft on any of the cruisers, which is unusual. They would be the eyes and ears - see above

In contrast none of the Italian Radar installations e.g. the Mezzo Gregorio radar site, seem to be active and are not sharing any intel - even after hostilities start

Eurofighters on patrol over East sicily don't seem to be at all active. No reaction to incoming Strike package of Flankers. (oddity in that one remains unidentified as Bluefor - has yellow marker. Might be engine issue)

Russian Fleet doesn't seem to operate any CAP or Screen. No Radar coverage. Initial 12 Flankers lose 10 to 1st SM6 volley from USNS Anzio. Remainder downed by Italian F-35's in short order

Retaliatory Tornados out of Gioia del Colle, (KNIGHT) launch with radars set on. And at 200 feet. Profile could be hi-lo-lo - would be more efficient and there seems to be no air surveillance threat. There is a screen of broadcasting F-35's running about 50KM ahead of the Marine Strike group, which could have acted as eyes until last minute ? Not sure if that's programmable as an ai mission mind.

Knight Strike group is set to Weapons TIGHT. As there is not positive id on the Russian Skunks, they run in to Visual range radars on and then launch at about 2nm. Manage to badly damage the Steregushchy. Then ID the CV. Launching on the return run. Still no AA defence from the Russian fleet despite this very obvious attack. I would suggest going EMCON hot the moment all the Flankers are destroyed - or the Strike package is detected.

Kuznetsov Gets damaged by my first salvo of 8 Harpoon. And starts to slow. Ustinov continues to steam ahead at Full towards Sicily. Suggest making the CV leader to keep defences around it ?

Ustinov destroyed by second salvo - dogleg launch to 90 degrees, remaining 4 harpoons redirect to Kuznetsov as secondary targets - 3 hits - 4th spoofed CV disabled in water. CV repairs and moves east at 9kts - seawolf turns 25sbd to intercept at 40nm. SAG continues north at 16kts

Remainder Escorts trailing Kuznetsov killed with SM-2's and final Harpoon salvo.

Kuznetsov finished off with ADCAP salvo

There were some markers on the map at kickoff - RP853 etc Not sure what there were - Suggest hiding for the USN SAG if they are not relevant

Perhaps a surprise Cruise missing launch might be a nice touch, either from Libya ? Or from a submerged platform ? (found the Akula at the end - managed to sink with ADCAP



6x AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM P3I.2
12x AS.34 Kormoran 1

SIDE: Russia

24x Su-33 Flanker D
2x MPK Steregushchy [Pr.2038.0]
2x MPK Soobrazitelny [Pr.2038.1, Mod Steregushchy]
1x RKR Marshal Ustinov [Pr.1164 Atlant]
1x TAKR Admiral Kuznetsov [Pr.1143.5]
1x PLA-971M Akula II [Shchuka-B]

27x Generic Chaff Salvo [4x Cartridges]
164x PK-10 Chaff [SR-50]
14x PK-2 Chaff [TSP-47]
1x MG-114 Berilly
2x Generic Acoustic Decoy

SIDE: United States Surface Strike Force


26x RIM-174A ERAM SM-6 Blk I
24x RGM-84G Harpoon ICR
14x Mk48 Mod 7 ADCAP CBASS
20x RIM-66M-2 SM-2MR Blk IIIA

Clockmaster77 -> RE: A new Scenario for testing. (11/19/2019 7:07:13 PM)

Thanks for the precious feedback! Next days I'll work on your advices. I will post a newer version in the weekend.

serjames -> RE: A new Scenario for testing. (11/19/2019 7:17:54 PM)

I think without that change in EMCON posture the Russians are doomed. They can't get the second strike package off the Deck fast enough. They cannot see any threats (did you notice no SAM launches at all).

I would add some Helix in there to defend against submarines... Give them Eyes in the sky too.

For the US side. Three Tico's together is pretty unusual. I'd suggest 1 Tico, 1 Arleigh Burke and say a fleet Aux as a more realistic mix. the FA gives them something to worry about too, prevents them charging in. Perhaps they redirect that south - but it's a nice decision to give the player.

Perhaps a Tu-160 surprise attack from an unexpected direction ? Over Turkey or Libya ?

As it is, it's fun, as it can be played quickly, but it's probably on the easy side at the moment - for the SAG anyway... Looking forward to see what you change.

Schr75 -> RE: A new Scenario for testing. (11/20/2019 8:13:36 PM)

Hi Clockmaster77

I tried playing as the russians and I found some major issues.
First. The attack missions against Sigonella are naval strike missions (ASuW) meaning anti ship strikes. They will look for enemy ships to sink.
Since there was none on the target list they just chose a single radar site and tried to kill it. You should change it to a land strike mission.

Second. The russian ships doesnīt have a single weapon to attack Sigonella. All their missiles are anti-ship missiles not capable against land targets.
Their only land attack weapons are guns and Sigonella are too far inland to reach. You should add some units with land attack missiles like Kalibr.

Third. Nato canīt use the F-35s loaded with JDAMs against the russian TF since JDAMs canīt attack ship targets. They can use LGBs and nukes. I suggest loading them with that from the start. LGBs, not nukes[:D]

Remember that when you look at a weapon in the DB viewer, the valid targets window will tell you if it is capable against land targets.

Please donīt take this the wrong way.[:)]
I like the idea of the scenario. It just need some more work before it will work.

Hope this was helpful and Iīm looking forward to the next version.


Clockmaster77 -> RE: A new Scenario for testing. (11/21/2019 6:14:47 AM)

Thanks for the advices. I'll work on it and post a new scenario in the weekend.

Clockmaster77 -> Russian attack on Sigonella US Strategic Bombers REVISION2 (11/23/2019 12:34:10 PM)


Here attached the REVISION 2 of the scenario.
I have worked very much trying to implement all Your advices. Hope You will like it and help me to further improve it.
Pleas note scoring is higly provisional at this stage, having modified so much units, so don't take it into account.
I have had also some time to add a few surprises, a Navy SEALs Frogmen JET Ski mission against CV Admiral Kuznetsov (I need your help to make it effective, since I don't know how to put troops on it, and moreover how to equip it, if it isn't automatic).
Then I added a desperate NATO B-2 Nuclear Strike mission (escorted by 2 F-16) if the Russian CV isn't destroyed by 9pm (21:00:00) in the first day. So it's implicit that for NATO use uf nuclear weapons is granted; play a bit with it and tell me if is an excessive facilitation for NATO forces.
Anyway, have fun and help me make it even more fun!! [:)][:)][:)][&o]

Clockmaster77 -> Russian attack on Sigonella US Strategic Bombers HELP required (11/24/2019 3:31:12 PM)

I wonder, there is a manner to combine with a logic operator like AND, two triggers in the event editor?
I mean, now in the scenario the trigger "all the US CG (read Toconderoga ships) are destroyed" causes points attribution for the various factions and the end of the scenario.
What if I want that "All the US CG are destroyed" and "All the US DDG (read the Arleigh Burke) are destroyed" are linked togheter with an AND operator, so the mission ends only when both Ticos and Burke are destroyed all togheter? (maybe also with an "AND" for the destruction of the SSN Seawolf, so the mission will end only when the entire US Navy Group is destroyed).
Since now if I add the two triggers togheter in the event editor, the program read it as an "OR", the same motivation because I had prefer to cause a Russian Victory when only one Group of Strategic Bombers are destroyed (B-1Bs OR B-2 Spirit).
But while for the bombers the destruction also of a single group of them could have devastating political consequences, in the case of the U.S. Surface Group, the Arleigh Burke, if the Ticos eventually are sunk, has the numbers to continue the attack against the Russian forces, moreover with the aid from the Seawolf.

I remember that many months ago, when Command MO was Command MANO, it was launched by the developers a poll to add logic operators and other features in the editor. Are these initiatives vanished in thin air? Since I found the Editor in Command MO nearly identical to that in Command MANO before of that poll. I believe adding logic operators in the Scen Edit will immensely help all the Command MO enthusiasts to deliver very better and more realistic scenarios, also without using LUA scripts that are abslutely wonderful, but hard to understand to people who
doesn't have a coding experience (I am a 3D and 2D graphic, and I more often work with node-based editors, not code based ones).
I understand that more than 95% of the succesfull development of a Command MO Scenario depends on the correct study of the Units deployment and of the correct Doctrines and Events, and that scenario editor is fantastic as it is now, also with the help of the probability options (both for unit appearence and for event occurrence). But I am also pretty sure it can be further developed.

So the questions are: I need LUA to link two or three triggers in the event editor with an "AND" fashion mode?
If not, I missed something, so, how to do it?
If yes, can someone post a theoretical example of such a script?
Thanks very much to the Community for help, as usual [:)].

Clockmaster77 -> Russian attack on Sigonella US Strategic Bombers REVISION3 (11/24/2019 5:30:57 PM)

Improved version with:
-Lybian chance of support attack against Sigonella Air Base.
-Added Lybian main Airports
-Added Lybian AD+EW
-Added Greece AD+EW
-Point assignment is far more implemented!

If it works I'll post it here on Matrix Forums and on Steam Workshop, so please test it [;)]

EDIT: OK I'm testing the scenario from both NATO and US sides, and there are major issues: now all US units and Russian units goes haywire and change erratically course and orientation. Moreover Russsian Su 33 begins suddenly to direct towards Greece, but their mission is to attack Sigonella AB.
Wondering what's happening, please help me figure out

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