Slow "real time" at x1 (Full Version)

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npsergio -> Slow "real time" at x1 (11/20/2019 8:18:42 PM)

I wonder if there is any specific way to configure the computer in order to CMO to run smoothly.

I have a better computer than the minimum system requested in the manual, but in my case, I have to play it in the x5 time scale in order to run it at a speed close to "real time" (playing The King of the Border).
I've already updated the NVIDIA, and I have adjusted the CMO options to a reasonable minimum.

Any other idea/help here?
Any info required from me?

Great improvements anyway.


thewood1 -> RE: Slow "real time" at x1 (11/20/2019 10:34:55 PM)

PC specs and scenario you are seeing the issue would help.

npsergio -> RE: Slow "real time" at x1 (11/21/2019 4:39:40 AM)

The scenario: LIVE: The King of the Border

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2195 MHz
Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 18362)
System Model: HP Pavilion Notebook
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 8114MB RAM
Page File: 8153MB used, 6872MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 12

Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
DAC type: Internal
Dedicated Memory: 128 MB
Shared Memory: 4057 MB

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 940M
Chip type: GeForce 940M
Dedicated Memory: 2010 MB
Shared Memory: 4057 MB

Is this enough?


Dimitris -> RE: Slow "real time" at x1 (11/22/2019 2:58:37 PM)


This problem appears only on KOTB when playing the US side, right? There is a known issue with the too-detailed no-nav zone over Cuba and the scenario author is fixing this.

Have you observed a similar issue with any other scenario?

npsergio -> RE: Slow "real time" at x1 (11/22/2019 3:39:45 PM)

As a matter of fact, I didnīt try any scenario but The King of the Border.
I have just loaded Reds (from Chains of Command), and the standalone scenario 2025:Sultan's Revenge (both with similar difculty and complexity), and they run perfectly at a x1 speed.



randpatt -> RE: Slow "real time" at x1 (11/23/2019 4:08:24 PM)

I'm having the exact same issue across all scenarios. Its butter smooth but sometimes loses 6-8 seconds a minute. I thought I was just getting old and set the time in the editor wrong the first time I noticed it.

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