uneducated -> Data Viz (11/22/2019 3:05:52 PM)
Data Visibility is a huge part of the enjoyment of games. I hope that all the developers who publish with Slitherine have a look at D3, which is becoming widely popular in displaying information. I think a large part of games is representing the information and allowing the player to decide what choices to make. D3 is Free Software and becoming widely used for displaying data - Data Vizualization. I hope that you might enjoy looking at some of the stuff below: Observables: https://observablehq.com/@d3 Whilst pondering how these displays might be of use in a game, have a look at a few of the notebooks, some of which permit interaction. For example: zoomable tiles, brush.filter delaunay.find d3.interpolate.discrete brushable scatterplot matrix d3.path D3.js https://d3js.org/