Pack Rat -> (5/16/2000 4:38:00 PM)
Some of us are fortunate to have the computers to play W@W, in a nut shell others aren't. I've played games on an old 33mhz where the puter took a very long time to make it's move and stuck with it because I liked the game so much. There is a limit on what will go and what won't though. I got real good at tweaking my system to get the most from it, but in the end a new setup was needed. That may be one reason for keeping a good game alive.
As an add on, those that are having trouble running W@W, I'll bet most of you have a bunch of programs running in the background you don't need on, while playing W@W. To get an idea just hit ctr. alt. del. and that will show you what has been loaded, you have to have systray and explorer going in order for windows to work. Get yourselves to a web page that helps you get the most from your systems. Many free programs to help you do this easily and safely.
Pack Rat