Looking for Axis opponent (closed) (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> WarPlan >> Opponents Wanted


821Bobo -> Looking for Axis opponent (closed) (11/24/2019 2:37:04 PM)

I have one free slot for a new game and look for Axis opponent for 1939 scenario.

Because I think the current invasion mechanics is silly I must ask for HR to prevent invasion spawning. In the long term this will anyway benefit Axis. Every invasion must be accompanied by surface fleet consisting from at least one CA/BB force.

MagicMissile -> RE: Looking for Axis opponent . (11/25/2019 4:04:58 AM)

If you havent found any opponent yet I would be interested. I can take one more games the time of each turn isnīt very long [:)]. I dont mind trying the houserule, I agree just sending a division/corps on their own on a invasion mission up to 24 hexes away without escort makes invasion attempts a bit too easy.

Kind regards


821Bobo -> RE: Looking for Axis opponent . (11/25/2019 7:25:55 AM)

opponent found

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