Swiso -> RE: Strike Tutorial question (11/26/2019 10:44:29 AM)
Regarding #1: The Tornado was built specifically for deep strike on high values targets ( Airports, comm. centers, radars, bridges, etc), while the A-10/SU25 were designed for close air support, like hunting for tanks, enemy troops, etc, right on the front line... The Tornado was (is) equipped with a terrain following radar, an A-G radar, a more sofisticated avionic suite, while the A-10/SU25 have only laser, IR and optical designators...no TFR and no radar.. So basically two very different type of planes for two very different type of missions. Think of the Tornado as same class of an F111 Regarding #2: I guess that if you set the mission to "Patrol", the plane will patrol the area at a high altitude UNTIL a suitable TGT come up... let's say you set a "SEAD" patrol... until the moment an enemy radar (or SAM, AAA) come alive, the patrol will fly at high altitude "loitering" (waiting). If you want to see the Tornado go low level (TF), I "guess" you have to set up a STRIKE mission, then when you launch that strike, you will see the Tornados go terrein following when going for the dash on target... Check the database for the "Tornado GR.1 (United Kingdom 1985)", go to check the "Aircraft Loadouts" section and check the two "JP233" profiles... the HI-Lo-HI and the LO-LO-LO... if you look at "Range and Profiles" you'll see how the typical flight will be on this loadout. Hope to be of help.