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Whiskey -> New Player Here (11/27/2019 4:30:53 AM)

Purchased the game today and jumped right in. All I can say is wow, the depth of this game goes beyond what I had figured it would. I had to check the forums and fix the resolution issue I had (50" 4k TV as my monitor).

It will take a while to get used to this game for sure but I am hooked already. HOI4 is a cake walk compared to this game lol.

A few questions though: With so much depth and such a vast campaign to control, what do you concentrate on at the start of the campaign? Just delay tactics until you get your forces ready to move? Do you bother with allied forces such as moving ships out of harms way at the start and/or re-positioning allied forces?

Is there a mod installer for any mods that may be available? And if there are mods, which ones would be recommended?

I may be a pain in the butt for a little while until I get the hang of this beauty.

Thanks for any help given.

rockmedic109 -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 4:53:26 AM)

Get settled for the long run. The full campaign will take a LONG time. The turns will eventually take a shorter time to run.

Find a way to give your orders that hits all the major spots. {Allies} I usually start a Pearl, move to Midway, up to Aleutians, down the west coast, across the pacific through to the CBI. I have a notebook with me when I run a turn to take notes of things {damaged ships and subs} that I will have to look at, etc. Find a "Pathway" to go through in giving your orders. You will be less likely to miss something. One day turns means you can miss something and usually it will not be a huge problem {unless it is something like leaving your Carrier without CAP while sailing in Betty range}.

CS convoys will be your friend. Just be careful about the pickup location. You don't want to drain a hub base of supplies because you stopped the large convoy supplying it for refits.

There are no mod installers....or I haven't used or needed one.

I am partial to Da Babes Scenario but this is a personal decision. Read up and find the one you want. I don't think there are any "Must Have", just personal preferences or something that seems interesting.

As for being a pain in the butt, don't worry. This is the best and most polite forum I have ever frequented....unless you mention that movie with Ben Afleck back in 2001 {referred to as TMTSNBN}. Then it's 40 lashes with a wet noodle for first offense.

Ian R -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 5:39:23 AM)

There is one thing that significantly saves you time, and creates a more functional interface -

Play in a window, not full screen. With your big TV monitor, try using the pxf# and pyf# switches ('f' is for force that size over the default game max that was programed in 2009) in your shortcut to give you a little bit of margin around the window, and float your task bar at the bottom.

Instead of reading the operations/combat reports in the game window, open the save directory and the last turn's edition are there as text files.

You can then open your ops file in notepad, delete all the crap you don't want, and voila! - you have a check list in a separate window that you can flick in and out of instantly.

Also, there is an archive switch that will archive all the past ones for you in case you need to look back at something (in particular, looking back at recent combat reports is the best intel in the game).

Apologies if you have already worked this out, but it took me a decade to get this organised!

geofflambert -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 7:55:04 AM)

Da Big Babes version C is da bomb!

HansBolter -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 10:44:43 AM)

For the Allies delay and training, training and more training are the orders of the day for at least the first six to twelve months while looking judiciously for spoiler attacks any where the KB is not present.

BBfanboy -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 11:54:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

For the Allies delay and training, training and more training are the orders of the day for at least the first six to twelve months while looking judiciously for spoiler attacks any where the KB is not present.

And logistics! Most activities in the game require generous amounts of supply and fuel. Decide where to set up your logistics hubs and get all those empty ships to supply/fuel sources to start hauling ASAP. Your pitifully small island garrisons can fight reasonably well if they have supply. Zero supply cuts their effectiveness to 25% of basic Assault Value and means very little recovery of disabled troops for the next battle.

EDIT: P.S. - Logistics also means building bases so that aircraft can be operated and ships can be rearmed and repaired. Forts are essential to protect the base from bombing, bombardment and enemy attempts to capture it. One of the Allied strengths is the large number of engineer units they get. But building stuff takes supply ...

jwolf -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 1:24:57 PM)

To the OP: I recommend playing some of the smaller scenarios before diving into the whole campaign. Coral Sea is a great short scenario with a much more limited scope.

Anachro -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 2:03:30 PM)

The best training for this game, even when you know absolutely nothing, is to dive into a multiplayer or single player match of the Guadalcanal scenario. You'll learn through your mistakes and questions that pop up over the course of the scenario (and when you have those questions, bring them here to the forum to be answered). Also, read (but don't try to memorize) the manual, though it is outdated in certain respects.

Kull -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 3:47:17 PM)

Just my opinion, but new players should keep it (relatively) simple. As you've already seen, the scale and complexity is off the charts so don't make your life any harder than it has to be:

- As Ian R points out, Windowed Mode is a must if you have Windows 10 (use Seabee to help with this and to get your switches in order)

- And as other have noted, small scenarios first, to help grasp the mechanics.

- When you are ready for a Grand Campaign, play the Allies. For many reasons, Japan is just too much for a new player. Do NOT do that to yourself.

- Likewise, do NOT begin with any mods. Not only are there issues with the AI (it won't work properly in most mods), but you are well advised to learn how the game works AS THE DEVS DESIGNED IT. This is not a swipe at any of the mod makers, but the manual will be much less useful if you are trying to correlate what you see in a modded game vs. what it says "in the book". Besides, mods are there to add more detail and yes, complexity. Do you REALLY need that when you are trying to learn how everything works?

- In a similar vein, don't mess around with new maps or graphics mods or anything other than what's in the vanilla game. Lots of really cool stuff out there, but do you need it NOW?

Focus first on the most important thing of all - learning how to play. Mods, eye candy, all that can wait.

pontiouspilot -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 4:01:29 PM)

Welcome on board. Everybody here has offered good advice. I would add that finding an After Action Report and following it will give you some broader sense of what happens.


BBfanboy -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 4:42:23 PM)

For those eager to play the Japanese side, I would add to Kull's advice (to play the Allies first) that understanding strengths and weaknesses from the Allied side will help immensely in playing your first game as Japan later.

To pontiouspilot's advice I would say look to AARs that clearly describe their grand strategy with annotated maps. Learning to plan six months ahead for your next leap forward (or withdrawal to defensible positions) really helps in deciding your short-term steps.

Whiskey -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 5:00:07 PM)

Thanks for all the info. I will play the smaller scenarios first. After a few turns in the grand campaign I realized there is much to learn before tackling that broad a scale of management and control.

I did play Coral Sea and starting to get the hang of the naval combat mechanic as well as the air combat. Never done much with the land forces other than move troops to Port Morsbey from mainland Australia.

I will tackle Coral Sea again and Guadalcanal as well.

Thanks again for all the advice.

HansBolter -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 5:45:18 PM)



- As Ian R points out, Windowed Mode is a must if you have Windows 10 (use Seabee to help with this and to get your switches in order)

Couldn't disagree more strongly.

Hate windowed mode for any game. Completely destroys immersiveness.

Have never and will never use it and game runs just fine full screen in Win10.

Trugrit -> RE: New Player Here (11/27/2019 8:12:14 PM)

Welcome to the game.

A 50 inch monitor! All I got to say is WOW!

This is a very deep game. Below I’ve sent you some links to useful information.

Read and study the manual. Search the forum. Play and learn.
Listen to Hans. Play the game in full screen.

I did not write the below abbreviations, I got them off the forum and I can’t find the original Poster or link.
That is an abbreviation itself. OP = Original Poster.

Below are some of the more common terms and abbreviations used on the WitP AE forum.
(Note that these do not include abbreviations for ship types, which are already listed separately
in the manual.While most people who buy this type of game are familiar with more common abbreviations
like BB for Battleship or CV for Fleet Carrier, the forums are full of people asking questions
or commenting on the abilities and uses of ACM, AE, AMc, xAKL, etc. It's worth taking a few minutes
to learn what each of these (and other) ship types are used for or intended for by reading the manual.)


RTFM - Read the F---ing Manual. In this forum, usually used self-deprecatingly by someone
who asks a question that's been asked many times before without looking to see if the answer
is already at their fingertips in the manual. Fortunately it's rarely used on the forums as a real answer.

TF – If you don't know this abbreviation, you probably need to RTFM.
(If you really don't know this one, it stands for Task Force - a collection of ships grouped
together for a single purpose. Also, if you didn't know this one, the manual really is a
must-read before being able to make any kind of sense out of the game.)

AFB - Allied Fanboy. Someone who plays mostly or exclusively as the Allies.

JFB - Japanese Fanboy. Someone who plays mostly or exclusively as the Japanese.

DEI - Dutch East Indies. The territory held by the Dutch at the beginning of the game.
Java, Celebes, Sumatra, much of Borneo, etc. Rich in resources and oil. Also referred to as the SRA.

SRA - Southern Resource Area. Area encompassing mostly the Dutch East Indies, rich in both oil and resources.
More or less the same as the DEI when referred to in game.

HI - 1. Heavy Industry. Production points generated by Japan, and used to build aircraft, engines, ships, tanks, etc.
2. Home Islands. The Japanese main islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, and Hokkaido (plus a couple of other tiny ones.)
3. Hawaiian Islands. (Note: This usage of HI on the forums is rare, but it is occasionally used.)

PI – Philippine Islands. Luzon and Mindanao are the main islands, but the term refers to the entire archipelago.

ASW - Anti-Submarine warfare, or referring to assets (either naval or air) involved in anti-sub activity.

FOW - Fog of War. Referring to situations, where the game won't always give you a complete or accurate
view of combat, enemy troop composition, sunk ships, spotting, etc.

OT - Off topic. A thread not immediately related to the game, though usually related to the period.

TOTALLY OT - Off topic. A thread not related to the game or period.

LBA - Land-based aircraft. Planes flying from a base versus from a carrier.

KB - 1. Kido Butai. Japanese carriers, operating all together in one large task force.
Early war, you'll see many references to staying away from the KB, or making sure as the Allies
you know where the KB is, or "my LBA refused to attack the KB!!
2. Kota Bharu, usually one of the first Allied bases invaded in the war, located at the top of the Malay peninsula.

SCTF - Surface Combat Task Force. A group of ships put together to engage enemy ships, or to screen
friendly ships in a separate task force. (also frequently referred to as a SAG.)

OOB - Order of Battle. A list of the forces one side has (or will receive) for any given scenario.

LCU - Land combat unit. Divisions, regiments, brigades, etc.

HR - House Rule(s). Any agreement between players in a PBEM (play by email) to amend or change rules,
generally intended to prohibit certain tactics which game mechanics may allow, but which both players
feel are not beneficial to the type of game they wish to play. Often used to try to make campaigns play
out closer to "historical" results.

DL - Detection level. How visible (or not) either your forces, or your enemies forces are
(often influencing the likelihood and accuracy of attacks.)

VP - Victory Points. Points which measure each players relative success, and which determine the levels of victory
and defeat in scenarios and campaign games. Note: You can't "spend" victory points on anything, you only gain
or lose them over the course of the game before an outcome is determined.

PP - Political Points. Points given out every turn which can be "spent" by making discretionary decisions in game,
such as changing out inferior leaders for better ones, changing the HQ affiliation of some units to allow them
to freely travel to other theaters, changing aircraft types in a given squadron, etc.

AF - Air Field. Usually referring to the size of an airfield at a given base, as in "Manila just hit AF4".

DBB - Da Big Babes. One of a series of popular mods for WitPAE. Designed by many of the folks responsible
for creating WitPAE in the first place.

RA – Reluctant Admiral. Another well known mod for WitPAE.

CBI - China, Burma, India theater.
PH - Pearl Harbor.
SF - San Francisco.
Oz - Australia.
WC - West Coast (of North America.)
EC - East Coast (of North America.)
HK - Hong Kong.
Singers- Singapore.
CT - Capetown.
IO - Indian Ocean.

SR - Service rating. A reliability rating given to each type of plane, from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating the aircraft
is very reliable and 5 indicating that the plane type has serious and frequent maintenance needs.
Greatly impacts how many planes in a given group will be ready fly if they've been recently been used.

SIGINT – Signals Intelligence. Radio intercepts, code-breaking, etc. which may give you some information
about what your opponent is up to. In game, this information is located on the Intelligence Report.

AA= Anti-Aircraft
AAA= Anti-Aircraft Artillery
CAA = Coastal Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Const Rgt = Construction Regiment

CPNAB = Contractors, Pacific Naval Air Bases: A consortium of 8 engineering companies that were building
air bases for the US Navy in the Pacific when the war began.

Cst Art = Coastal Artillery

Def Bn = Defense Battalion

EAB = Engineer Aviation Battalion

Eng Con = Engineer Construction (Brigade)

(H&M) = Horse & Mechanized; an interim Cavalry Regiment organization. Restricted to the West Coast

(Hrse) = Horse cavalry regiment. Restricted to the West Coast

Merrills Marauders = popular name of the 5307th Composite Unit (provisional), a light infantry
long range penetration special operations unit that fought in Burma.
Later converts to the 475th Infantry Regiment

SeaBees = The popular name for Naval Construction Battalions (CBs = SeaBees).
Naval Construction Regiments are x3 CBs in a single LCU.

(Sep)= Separate; usually an independent regiment, not part of a Division

(Spec)= Special. A division or regiment with a unique TO&E. Ex. 1st Cavalry (Spec) Division

Specl Svc = 1st Special Service Force, a regimental-sized commando-type unit that served briefly in the Aleutians

TD= Tank Destroyer

USA/ USAAF / USMC/ USN = United States Army / Army Air Forces / Marine Corps / Navy

872/873rd EAB = two battalions of EABs in a single LCU
854-875-1871 EAB = three battalions of EABs in a single LCU


Sandbox – A test scenario, where conditions are set and then run multiple times to help determine
what effect certain variables in the game actually do.
Often used as a verb, as in "I sandboxed a CV battle in late 42 where the Allies had limited help from LBA."

Sir Robin - Early war allied strategy involving various degrees of fleeing from Japanese advances instead of fighting back,
with the goal of minimizing losses and husbanding strength for a later counter attack.
(From Monty Python's "Holy Grail", "Brave, brave sir Robin, he bravely ran away!!"
as sung by Sir Robin's minstrels, before they eventually ate Sir Robin's minstrels.)

Ablative armor – The use of obsolete airframes as escorts to draw fire on themselves, thereby shielding
the bombers they are escorting from attack. Occasionally used by Japan as a late war tactic.

Restricted - Refers to the freedom of mobility (or really the lack thereof) for both LCUs and air groups.
Unrestricted groups can travel or transfer to and from any base you own.
Restricted units are limited to the theater they start in (West Coast, Home Defense(Japan), China, etc.)
unless a player spends PPs (see above) to free these units up. Note that there are some cases where
units cannot be freed up by any means - these would be referred to as Permanently Restricted.

Mersing gambit: An early landing at Mersing close to the southern tip of the Malayan peninsula.
The aim is to cut off the retreat of the commonwealth forces to Singapore.
The location is excellent as there is a major road connecting the west to the
east coast, but the attack can be costly because of the proximity to Singapore,
even more when standing up against an intact Force Z and even more against an alert
Allied opponent preparing for such a move.

Fortress Palembang: In those scenarios where refineries produce supplies Palembang is an excellent location
for an extended, in optimal circumstances nearly impenetrable Allied defense. Palembang has oil
sources and refineries. If refineries produce supplies, the location can support an immense amount
of troops without any supply flow from the outside. The only option for a Japanese player who
has been caught off guard by a FP is to destroy the very infrastructure he needs to rely on later in the war.

Force Z: A CW combat group center around BB PoW (Prince of Wales) and BC Repulse sent to Singapore
as a deterrent to Japanese aggression. Both major combatants sunk by Japanese air attacks on Dec 10th´41.

DBB: (DaBigBabes) A huge WitP mod, increasing the realism and amount of detail present in game
by another order of magnitude. The undisputed king of WitP AE mods, smaller mods extend
on the DBB setup (PHEW, but oh so great...)

DBL: (DaBabesLight) For those who want the increased realism, but do not care about new unit structures
or 1000s of small backwater vessles, thats the way to go.

Here are a few links that can help you with some concepts:

Alfred on Searching The Forum:




Tenders and Support/Auxiliary Ship guide:

Alfred on Search Arcs:

Device Replacement:



Planning Points:



Ian R -> RE: New Player Here (11/28/2019 12:08:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter



- As Ian R points out, Windowed Mode is a must if you have Windows 10 (use Seabee to help with this and to get your switches in order)

Couldn't disagree more strongly.

Hate windowed mode for any game. Completely destroys immersiveness.

Have never and will never use it and game runs just fine full screen in Win10.

Each to their own :-)

My window is almost full screen anyway; I simply find it quicker and easier to click in and out of the reports as text files in separate windows. One reason being that using near 1920/1080 resolution the text in the in-game display is too small for me to read easily.

Another reason is that while playing my mod, and fixing errors as I go along, I have the scenario file open in the editor and like to be able to click straight there, enter data, and click back to the game.

Having said that, I do agree that getting alerts while playing, which sit right on top of the combat animation, ruins that joyful feeling of watching your dive bombers administer critical hits to an enemy CV. It's a trade off.

rockmedic109 -> RE: New Player Here (11/28/2019 2:34:47 AM)

Another good idea. Do a forum search for posts by Alfred. Read them. A lot of good insights.

HansBolter -> RE: New Player Here (11/28/2019 8:30:51 AM)




ORIGINAL: HansBolter



- As Ian R points out, Windowed Mode is a must if you have Windows 10 (use Seabee to help with this and to get your switches in order)

Couldn't disagree more strongly.

Hate windowed mode for any game. Completely destroys immersiveness.

Have never and will never use it and game runs just fine full screen in Win10.

Each to their own :-)

Absolutely and why I took exception with the use of the word 'must' for one choice. [:)]

HansBolter -> RE: New Player Here (11/28/2019 8:43:19 AM)

As pointed out by BBfanboy there are many things to become aware of that need doing by the Allied player in the early game.

He mentioned getting all of your scattered transports headed to major supply/fuel/troop hubs. This is a very critical task for getting a start on the logistics needs. Don't be too concerned about needing escorts for all of these TFs. Escorts are in short supply early and the Japanese subs can't be everywhere. Keep the TFs small so you don't lose too many with any given sub/raider encounter. Comb through every last port on the board to find them.

Ship conversions are also important to get started right away. Many xAKs can convert to AKEs, AEs and AKVs. You don't want to get these ships tied up in Continuous Supply TFs early on and end up never converting them. As you are combing through every port for the scattered transports, examine every one to determine if and what they can convert into.

AKs and APs are extremely valuable ships. These are purpose built military transports and have better unloading rates in amphibious TFs than xAKs and xAPs, which are commercial transports pressed into military service. Many AKs and APs will upgrade into AKAs and APAs which are military assault transports with even higher amphibious unloading rates. Limit risk for these ship types. There is a chart in the manual illustrating the unloading rates.

Enforcer -> RE: New Player Here (11/28/2019 11:02:37 AM)

Rockmedic109 is correct.. In a pbem game my buddy and I did a co op game vs AndyMac and it took over 4 year real time.. LOL

nashvillen -> RE: New Player Here (11/29/2019 5:52:09 PM)

Whiskey, I assume I know you based on your handle, Mike C here. [sm=00000436.gif]

The links above from Alfred are a great source of information. Also, look up Tracker and get it loaded. It will help you keep track of things.

Give me a shout if you want some one on one help. I am not the most knowledgeable on the inside and outs of this wonderful game, but do play it a lot. [:D]

Whiskey -> RE: New Player Here (12/1/2019 5:35:34 AM)

Thanks again folks. I really appreciate the help and info given. I shall be spending quite a bit of time reading for now, while dabbling in some smaller scenarios. But, I have to say, I love this game. I sat down and initiated a full campaign game and I can say that the time goes by in a blink. A game for the long run...I love it.

rustysi -> RE: New Player Here (12/1/2019 7:23:32 PM)



Thanks again folks. I really appreciate the help and info given. I shall be spending quite a bit of time reading for now, while dabbling in some smaller scenarios. But, I have to say, I love this game. I sat down and initiated a full campaign game and I can say that the time goes by in a blink. A game for the long run...I love it.

Another one bites the dust.[:D]

Dili -> RE: New Player Here (12/1/2019 8:58:23 PM)

Hehe, nah alive but with an infection...

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