Can't get air groups to load on Transports (Full Version)

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texag11 -> Can't get air groups to load on Transports (12/1/2019 2:51:16 PM)

Hopefully this is the right place for this as i'm rather new to the game but as the title says I can't get air groups to actually load on to the ships.

Ex. Trying to load the 31st PG on to AKs in Los Angeles. I can get them onto the transports (using AKs but ive tried with APs too), verify the load and when I check again it shows them loaded on tf but the next turn they show back up at the airfield and the TF is empty. I've tried using Cargo, transport and air transport to no success. Am I doing something wrong? I've tried with the Hurricanes in Abadan as well to no luck.

Shellshock -> RE: Can't get air groups to load on Transports (12/1/2019 3:04:48 PM)

Are you trying to load them into a Air Transport Task Force? opposed to a plain Transport TF. Plus, make sure it's not a restricted air group. Also make sure the TF has a destination set other than where it's loading or they will just unload in the same port in the next turn unless the TF is set to not unload.

Kull -> RE: Can't get air groups to load on Transports (12/1/2019 3:07:56 PM)

Transport TF (unless you have AKVs, in which case it's Air Transport). Unlike Ground Units (typically referred to as "LCU"s for Land Combat Units), air units load completely and instantly, as you have seen. The only reason I can think of for them to unload on the next turn is that you haven't set a destination, so they assume the home port is the destination and unload there. Unless you are also trying to load supply, just undock the TF and make sure it is set to go to a different location. It should depart immediately at the start of the next turn.

btd64 -> RE: Can't get air groups to load on Transports (12/1/2019 3:12:11 PM)

As Kull said, You have to set a destination for the TF....GP

texag11 -> RE: Can't get air groups to load on Transports (12/1/2019 3:32:19 PM)

That is what it was, I hadn't set a destination yet since I was planning on sending it as a part of a tanker convoy. I knew it had to be something simple but I couldn't figure it out.

geofflambert -> RE: Can't get air groups to load on Transports (12/1/2019 3:47:09 PM)

You can simply hit "Do Not Unload" instead.

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