New Scenario: Defend the Motherland - Dogfight Ukraine (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Command: Modern Operations series >> Mods and Scenarios


ARCNA442 -> New Scenario: Defend the Motherland - Dogfight Ukraine (12/4/2019 8:10:47 PM)

There are a lot of scenarios out there about defending Eastern Europe from Russian aggression. However, I've been exploring the opposite - defending Russia from NATO aggression.

This scenario is the first of what I'm planning as a short campaign exploring the actual balance of power between Russia and NATO. It consists of a brief skirmish over Eastern Ukraine, where the player attempts to defend crucial rebel targets from Ukrainian air attack.

As always, I want as much feedback as possible on every aspect of the scenario.

(the scenario includes aircraft damage - I can reupload without it if anyone doesn't have that and want's to try it)

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