AlvaroSousa -> RE: map import question (12/8/2019 11:07:27 PM)
When you import a png it reads each hex in a 9x8 area. So if your png is say 90x80 you will roughly have a 10x10 HEX map. The trick is to scale the image to the scenario scale you are designing. So say you have a map of North Africa that is 2000 miles long according to the map and 4000 pixels. You want to make it a 10 mile per hex map. You have to scale that down to 2000 / 10 miles = 200 hexes * 9 pixels = 1800 wide PNG image. If you scale the horizontal the vertical should scale too. You might have to shave 1/9th or 11.11% off the vertical to match the 8 pixel vertical read.