pclaurent -> RE: Game crashes after running Special Actions (12/8/2019 5:42:35 PM)
I myself am confronted with many, many CTDs, all occurring while executing LUA scripts. These crashes are difficult to reproduce systematically, and they seem to occur more or less randomly depending on the load of the system. The error occurs sometimes with a Special Command, sometimes with a script triggered on a time basis (every 5 seconds, for example). I run CMO on a relatively slow PC, but this same PC was running CMANO without any problem. By dint of doing tests, I thought I detected some clues that could advance the resolution of the problem: 1. Some LUA functions seem more "vulnerable", eg. ScenEdit_GetUnit ({side = "x", unitname = "y"}) 2. Crashes are more common when the scene contains many units and / or in "God's view" mode. 3. Clock synchronization seems to be problematic. The Time trigger sometimes works ... sometimes not (on the same machine, and depending on the complexity of the scenario). In some cases nothing happens when the time comes. 4. Temporal acceleration seems to make things worse.