PaxMondo -> RE: Good AI Scenario, Max Setting Hard (12/16/2019 3:03:17 AM)
Any of the Ironman scenarios can reach '45. If you don't want to change settings, then you need to play VH. There are various combat bonuses. I'm not aware that the devs ever specified them exactly. My observations are: 1. Land combat bonus. 99% sure of this one. They will attack and defend much better. 2. Air combat bonus. maybe 30% sure about this one. It is certainly more subtle than the land combat bonus. 3. Naval combat bonus. Maybe 10% sure about this one. The big bonus is with supply (which in turn impacts land combat significantly). Basically supply will move around for the AI irrespective of whether there is a direct connection or not. So, islands in particular get supply. So do out of the way bases or bases that are actually isolated (Leningrad-esque).