Rain08 -> [Logged] Broken Sensor/Weapon Mount Arcs in Editor (12/18/2019 10:21:43 AM)
If you add a weapon mount A facing north, then add weapon mount B facing south, mount A will then also face south. It should be that once the mounts are added, their arcs should remain unchanged. So, mount A should face only north while mount B should face only south. Temporary fix: Close the the add sensor/weapon mount dialog window if you want to retain the intended arcs. A video link so you can easier understand it: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/567363602076532756/654251169824374784/Desktop_2019.12.11_-_17.17.42.23-1.mp4 The vid is tad bit old but the problem is still in 1121.3 (and since one of the recent updates for CMANO actually). I also accidentally found out that you can change the arcs 'realtime' once the mount is added on the unit.