ago1000 -> RE: Why to buy this game? (12/20/2019 3:19:03 PM)
After buying the game, these are the reasons I have been playing it non-stop. 1)Easy to get started but difficult to master. Learning new things every time I play it. 2)Excellent replay value. (on my 4th campaign game). I didn't wait for the updates. I just kept playing. 3) land battles allow for multiple attacks and are realistic in nature based on supply. Units can specialize, so you can have winter troops in russia, or troops that can help untrench units. There are a variety of units, armor, infantry, mech, ... but not overwhelming like some games. 4) naval battles are realistic, in deep sea very difficult to find fleets, near shore air power rules causing damage. Subs rule early, but mid game they can be found with proper tech upgrades. Fleet compositions require creativity and strategy when moving together to help spread damage or support an invasion and protect your troop transports. I have never had a fleet wiped out if it strategically set up properly. Furthermore, CV fleets are important and provide a good strike force with supporting fleets like a Battle group (BBs) and Cruiser group(CAs). Once again, the game provides variety and yet is not overwhelming. 5) abstract convoy and escort system eliminates the need for micro management supply across the water. Just build escorts and place them in routes to protect convoys and build convoys to transport your resources. The program deals with the rest. 6) Partisan drive you crazy especially in Russia but are manageable. Once again, understanding supply is huge and keeping your units in supply is extremely important in this game. You have the option of creating small infantry units and have them protect your rear areas. Which you should do anyway in any game. 7) Having diplomacy allows you to explore what ifs. I convinced Spain to join the Axis and was able to take Gibraltar. However, the AI has difficulty with this as with any game. In HOI I convinced Russia to join Germany. Game over. 8) Personally, I'm finding the AI challenging at times but beatable. I know there are those with more gaming experience find it easy but I've stuck with playing the historical level, so for an intermediate war gamer I like how the AI reacts. However, I don't take advantage of certain things the game allows us to do(I don't play it Gamey). For example, I will only amphibious assault historical locations or locations that can support an invasion. The AI seems to hit me almost any where. The true challenge will be to play against another human opponent and since I convinced my friends to get this game, we will be able to play against each other without our wives getting on our cases. [8D] Once again, this game allows us to do that. Another Plus++++. 9) The game is mod-able and has an awesome following. This will help it develop further into other games, pacific and/or global. Furthermore, various artists have made the game look very impressive. It's only going to get better. Furthermore, it is supported by it's developer. [&o] Thank you!!!!!! 10) And last but not least, it is fun. Lots of fun. My nickel's worth. We don't have pennies in Canada anymore.