butch4343 -> RE: Scenario Editor.... overwhelmed =( No control... (12/21/2019 6:24:57 AM)
Cabal, Welcome to the world of scenario designing, I was so daring what harpoon you refer to is it the board game version or one of the harpoon classic or harpoon three PC games? Ok so here's where I think I might be able to help, in regards to the nanuchuka 1/2/3 issue you have two choices first and easiest is go with the libyian entry in the database for the 2, ask yourself does it really matter if the database entry is for the for the libyian variant? Second option is more work, look up the sensors and weapons of the 2 and make a note of it then add a 1or 3 of the Soviet/Russian version then add and or remove sensors/weapons so that the 1/3 is equipped like a 2. As for specific spawn points, I dont think you can designate multiple specific points, you can specify a broad area though using the even editor. Set up a trigger , say scenario starts, set a condition, and then define an area and use the teleport action to teleport your ship or group to that area. Not easy to get your head around I know but persist mate and it will get easier. Regards Butch