entrechment vs trenches (Full Version)

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fulcrum28 -> entrechment vs trenches (12/24/2019 2:12:59 PM)

There is one button to add "trenches". At the same time, each turn, "entrechment" level increases by one automatically if unit does not move.
do they have the same effect? what is the the difference between add trenches and add entrechment level?

BillRunacre -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (12/24/2019 4:45:28 PM)

Once a unit has been entrenched (i.e. is in a trench) its entrenchment level will automatically increase by 1 per turn. You don't need to use the entrenchment button again unless you want to change their trench's facing.

The higher their entrenchment level, the more entrenched they are and therefore the more enemy attacks they can likely withstand with reduced casualties.

fulcrum28 -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (12/25/2019 12:21:32 PM)

thanks. But we have trenches that cover two hex sides and another covers 3 of them. But I dont see any penalty to choose 3 instead of 2, so what is the point of the existence of two hex side trenches?

Mithrilotter -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (12/26/2019 12:40:31 AM)

I always choose three sided trenches, just in case the third side might be needed.

darth254 -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (12/26/2019 3:28:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: fulcrum28

thanks. But we have trenches that cover two hex sides and another covers 3 of them. But I dont see any penalty to choose 3 instead of 2, so what is the point of the existence of two hex side trenches?

yeah, I was wondering about that. if there's no real downside to it, why not do 3 every time?

maybe have the additional sides require extra action points (2 sides require 2, 3 sides require 3)? or produce less effective defense per side?

BillRunacre -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (12/28/2019 10:19:43 AM)

There is no downside apart from sometimes it isn't as aesthetically pleasing to have a 3 side trench, e.g. if on a coastal hex. So there's no difference in combat, but the option is there because it can occasionally be more pleasing on the eye to only use 2. [:)]

bismark2010 -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (1/8/2020 10:05:58 PM)

The game as Germans never shows an improvement to the trenches.In other words the allies show metal trenches later in the game but I do not see this improvement on the German side.When i load the 1917 Senario I see an improvement showing the upgrade.Am I doing something wrong.I also Do upgrade the the trenches but nothing happens.Any help would I would be happy with.
Michael Patterson

Chernobyl -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (1/8/2020 11:13:56 PM)

As far as I can tell the only downside to three-sided trenches is if you need to vacate that hex later (or if you are forced out), the enemy may occupy it. In those cases you may not want to provide them with a free trench facing your potential counterattack.

Hubert Cater -> RE: entrechment vs trenches (1/9/2020 1:06:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: bismark2010

The game as Germans never shows an improvement to the trenches.In other words the allies show metal trenches later in the game but I do not see this improvement on the German side.When i load the 1917 Senario I see an improvement showing the upgrade.Am I doing something wrong.I also Do upgrade the the trenches but nothing happens.Any help would I would be happy with.
Michael Patterson

The updates to the trenches will happen automatically as you progress in Trench Warfare research. Have you invested in Trench Warfare research and if so what level are you at in game? The improved graphics with bunkers will not show until you reach I believe at least Level-3.

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