seydlitz22513 -> RE: Largest Map Size Possible Using The In Game Editor? (10/26/2021 4:08:25 PM)
Sorry I took so long to reply to how to make the map as large as possible process listed below in easy steps. 1 = Open editor and create new scenario, don't copy any campaigns, just create new. 2 = After you have created a new scenario the editor screen will display a 10 x 10 hex, use the arrow keys to increase the map size to 512 x 256 3 = Using the map hex layer add 2 land hexes. 4 = Now set hex owner/controller for 2 Countries. You can always add more Countries later, but for now add just 2. 5 = You now need to add a Capital City for each of the Countries via resources option. 6 = You now need to edit Major Country IDs Data from the Campaign drop down menu. 7 = From the list of 10 Major Countries delete 8 you should get some messages pop up regarding other Countries link to some Countries, select yes to apply as you want to work from a clean slate for this new campaign. 8 = The final step you now need to edit the Country Data menu, and make one of your Countries Allied and the other Axis then name the scenario and save.