Shadrach -> RE: Not Responding (1/1/2020 4:28:43 PM)
Cathar: When you first install the .11 base game, it will plop the scenarios in your Documents\My Games folder. This is how the *old* installer worked, and is the reason why we had to manually do a complete uninstall when we patched to the .20 patch last year. You can find an explanation of the reason behind that in the post above. So now after .20 the Documents folder is to be used for *user* scenarios and the default scenarios are in the Programs directory. For some reason Bob & co keeps insisting on users installing from the .11 base, which will lead to *duplicates* with the old files in Documents when the patch is applied, unless the user manually deletes these first. But apparently this will avoid the issue with missing DOC and BMP files which for some weird reasons now need to be in the Documents folder. Yeah, don't ask... So I'd recommend you go from the *base* files available on the Members area and nothing else. These are the files Matrix have made available to us, and if they don't work, it's a clear Support issue. > In the Scenarios > WWII - Mediterranean folder, there are only four scenarios listed. Something is definitely wrong, as all the default scenes should be located there (I have 38 SCE files there). My files under Programs\Scenarios for comparison: Campaign for North Africa 41-43 v.13.0.sce, 470,680 bytes, modified 1. oktober 2018, 17:28:50 The Next War 1979.sce, 438,671 bytes, modified 1. oktober 2018, 17:07:32 I doubt installing as Administrator makes any difference. If you get Windows' User Access Control dialog when running the installer - if so that's the same thing as running as Admin.