I love the game so far but...what are these options? (Full Version)

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pvthudson01 -> I love the game so far but...what are these options? (12/29/2019 2:19:54 AM)

Cant seem to find what these do in the E-Book Manual. I might be blind though. Anyone know what these settings mean for example the "Map Detail Distance" and the settings for Terrain Grid as opposed to Map Grid?
Anyone know what those do?

Armor Brigade Options


exsonic01 -> RE: I love the game so far but...what are these options? (12/29/2019 3:43:03 AM)

As far as I know, Map Detail Distance is the degree of zoom in where you can see the details of the map, like trees, buildings, etc... correct me if I'm wrong.

Map grid is for 1km size grid. Terrain grid would be 30m basic grid but I'm not sure about this point, may need to check. You could also check this.

Veitikka -> RE: I love the game so far but...what are these options? (1/1/2020 8:24:20 AM)

I think the options menu was implemented after the manual was written. exsonic01 had a good description of the mentioned options. Most of these have keyboard shortcuts that can be used without going to the menu, so you can see instantly how they change the visuals.

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