Newbie Questions Series (Full Version)

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Genosse -> Newbie Questions Series (12/29/2019 4:14:23 AM)

NOTE: This originally began in the Armored Brigade steam discussions group.

Hello all, I've just gotten into Armored Brigade and am having some relative success - I'm also having a blast learning the game!

One thing I've found useful in the past for big games is a running thread for new players to ask small one-off questions that forum searches or scanning the manual haven't turned up answers for yet.

I will dump my little small scale questions in here as I think of them and anyone else is welcome to add theirs as well.

Apologies if this type of thing already exists, please point me in that direction if so. Thank You, I welcome your input!

Genosse -> RE: Newbie Questions Series (12/29/2019 4:15:16 AM)

I'll get things started with this question:

New Question: When you have the option to add a recon section of Main Battle Tanks to your force, do those tanks have special attributes that make them better spotters or is it more to be able to forward deploy some armor in the middle of the map?

I doubt they have better optics equipment, but do the crew have special training or something? Curious as to the answer.

Thank You!

Veitikka -> RE: Newbie Questions Series (1/1/2020 8:48:18 AM)

MercilessFir -> RE: Newbie Questions Series (1/28/2020 1:03:43 AM)

I have a question about installing mods.

When I installed a mod from Steam Workshop my default missions were no longer displayed. Is this the expected behavior when installing mods? The installed mods were: Armored Escalation and Ammo Names (added info).


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