loki100 -> T61 - celebrating in Paris (2/22/2020 4:08:50 PM)
T61 – 26 August 1944 So summer is almost over. Given that invading S France provoked the predictable response I guess I shouldn't be too surprised but at some stage this has to stop slowly shedding VP. In reality its going to fall till I start capturing German cities – as these give dual city and bombing VP. I get some of this now but its minimal and only related to cities where there was a fuel/oil factory. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/5688/Fu6A4j.jpg[/image] Another pause in the strategic bombing as 8 AAF hit the German units in Paris and 15 AAF committed to the ground operations in Italy and reclaiming the sea lanes off S France. Keeping an AS mission going in the Baltic region, I'm sure the local German fighters appreciate me not forgetting about them. Knocked out another 100 German planes on the ground, even committed the Mosquito FB/LB from the UK to the Rhone valley to join in hitting suspected targets (in this case the large bases around Lyon). Worth mentioning how this operates when you target air bases but are not sure which/any have planes. The first round of bombing can be ineffective but as you gain recon (and you can do this by combat as well as by conventional recon), then the algorithm will target bases with planes. So in effect you waste one, maybe two days bombing and then concentrate on the better targets. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/8181/EBbTXw.jpg[/image] In combination that regained control over the sea zones. Given their LB losses both in the air and on the ground I doubt they can repeat their effort next turn. I'm probably wrong as I suspect this is seen as the last chance to make use of the Luftwaffe to do some damage. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/3029/vPsUjx.jpg[/image] In Brittany L'Orient taken, should be able to take St Nazaire next turn. Campaign of hex flipping by both sides but I'm steadily adding extra cities to my control. Paris fell after massive unit bombing had shattered the defenders. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/9650/dml7FW.jpg[/image] [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/7916/elUDjH.jpg[/image] Pushed British armour east and took Reims. US armour entered Cambrai-Arras-St Quentin and overran the garrison at L'Etaples (a level 1 port so surprisingly useful). I'm being cautious in the speed of my advance, but taking Paris will free up quite a lot of units – and, when repaired, give me some trains. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/2812/MOisfz.jpg[/image] S France, small breakout, and managed to land all the secondary units. That'll help a lot to reduce further losses. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/722/57kYt3.jpg[/image] Oddly, Italy saw the most complex operations. At a second attempt US tanks cleared the woods hex behind Forli allowing the ever mobile New Zealanders to press forward and in turn clear the German defenders out of the rail hex behind Forli. An attack then cleared the Germans from one of the mountain hexes interdicting this narrow salient, allowing 6 SA armoured division to exploit almost up to Ravenna. This may well be beaten back so I opted to weaken the PzrGr formation holding the Montona line with a spoiling attack. 5 Army then launched a couple of attacks on the formation NE of Pistoia creating more salients (for the moment these are what I want) and coming to one hex of a breakout towards Bologna. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/1008/O12Vu7.jpg[/image] Guess at least the ground loss ratio has shifted in my favour. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/6262/lxgprv.jpg[/image] Helped by a few more surrenders. Still all second rate stuff but it gradually adds up. [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/6967/u34LcI.jpg[/image] And since Paris actually fell on the right date, here's a random image of a banner being held upside down: [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/581/Ou98Rb.jpg[/image] So lets have a wee side chat about what now. The immediate big prizes are Antwerp and Brussels. Antwerp, repaired, will supply me into the Reich (once I clear the Scheldt). Equally operating on the coast means I have easier supply (helped by the small ports in the Pas de Calais/Flanders). A further advantage is its mostly clear terrain, which optimises my bombing and is close enough to the UK that I can largely keep my airforce there – so that avoids additional supply problems. A later advantage is this sector leads to Maastricht. This in turn opens up the Rhineland and is by far the best route to the Reich proper – Market Garden really was a daft idea at every level. The terrain east of Arnhem is terrible with large rivers, canals and swamps, even if the allies had held it, it was a dead-end. So no choice really? [image]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/3826/h9oNqY.jpg[/image] Well, the issue is of course that the German player can look at exactly the same map and come up with the same analysis. While there are no significant N-S river lines there are plenty of cities that can be turned into strong points. So progress will tend to slow. If I go south of the Ardennes it is clear terrain all the way to the Moselle. That is a major barrier but behind it is the clear terrain of the Saarland. I'd still have to find the resources to fight in Belgium but I'll have US 9A and the Canadian formations currently taking the Breton ports available. Its a longer way to Berlin. Its VP light and can only be supplied by being ruthless in supply allocation. I'll need to move a lot of tactical air to France (this is where the longer range Mosquitos become invaluable). I can't do both at the same time. At the moment, somewhat unintentionally, I'm well deployed to go south of the Ardennes.