Peter Hugo -> RE: Uninstalled. AI cheats. (1/10/2020 1:20:11 AM)
ORIGINAL: Syphax The AI simply takes less damage and deals more damage after 6-10 turns into the game. Even low morale Russian units which previously saw a 1-4 advantage to a german unit are now 1-1 or 1-2. Them attack suddenly deals 1-2 damage. French units idem, dealing 2-3 damage against defending and entrenched units. This only happens after a number of turns into the game and where it's obvious that the AI needs that "little extra help" to keep float, by adjusting the stats. I uninstalled this frustrating game and lament having wasted money on it. Luckily it's my first in this series so I won't be buying any of the others. Sure you think this, but don't give so easily, there are too many other valid reasons for what you think you observed. Please don't ignore these other possibilities and simply blame the AI's programming. Everything deserves at least two real attempts, and if you don't notice ANY improvements at all, then you're probably not ready for such an addicting! Wishing you better luck next time!