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majpalmer -> American Entry (1/9/2020 12:13:00 PM)

When the Yanks came in, I received a message that the US had declared war on the Central Powers. Actually, in April 1917 the US only declared war on Germany. We didn't declare war on the AH Empire until December 1917, and the US never declared war on the Ottoman Empire.

This has no impact on the game. Although the Entente should not be able to send US troops against the Ottomans.

BillRunacre -> RE: American Entry (1/9/2020 4:34:35 PM)

I understand, and originally Majors weren't set to necessarily be at war with every other Major on the opposite side, as I wanted the belligerence settings to follow the historical path as much as possible.

But this caused confusion because people would try to move forces into, or attack units belonging to Majors they weren't at war with, and wonder why they couldn't do so.

Therefore the simplest solution was just to make it so that every Major on one side is automatically at war with every Major on the other when they reach full mobilization.

That way it's just down to players to decide whether or not they want to actually attack these other Majors, e.g. for the most part US forces won't be in a position to fight Austro-Hungarian or Ottoman units unless they are sent to those fronts where these states have forces in action, so the belligerence setting has as you say, no actual impact on gameplay.

Peter Hugo -> RE: American Entry (1/10/2020 1:07:56 AM)

Bill, wish it were so, but when the AI plays the CP, they will often mix national units together wherever they are most needed since the AI only knows how to play as one homogeneous army, especially when they have a land link between A-H and Turkey. As designed, the game doesn't restrict either side from playing nationalities ahistorically against each other or within each alliance, so replicating historical political boundaries between nations is quite impossible. So the chances are high that US forces will encounter ahistorical enemies on the Western Front for instance, and unless game play becomes impacted, then we just have to get over comparing it to history I guess. Easier said than!

BillRunacre -> RE: American Entry (1/10/2020 4:35:09 PM)

True, though as you're probably aware, some unlikely forces did fight where one wouldn't have expected them to, e.g. Ottomans on the Eastern Front, Germans and Austro-Hungarians in the Middle East, and of course, Russians and Austro-Hungarians on the Western Front.

gamer78 -> RE: American Entry (1/10/2020 8:02:20 PM)

Yes historically important forts for Ottomans were in Balkans surrounded by swamp for better protection. Janissaries recruitment was much in Balkan regions and western anatolia. İrregular cavalry- Sipahi- was in Arab regions and southern anatolia.

Xsillione -> RE: American Entry (1/10/2020 8:07:39 PM)

Yep, some limitations would be nice, Italians regularly show up in France after they DOW on AH, and french and UK troops helped them defend after some success against them with the CP, which was somewhat unrealistic. Not to mention the Bulgarian army in France and other parts, which happened in small scale, but not whole corps and more.

It could even be expanded, like Romanian troops only entering into AH, Serbia and other Balkan countries and Russia, no ventures into Germany or Ottomans, and similar limitations on every/most countries, esp the minors.

offenseman -> RE: American Entry (1/12/2020 3:37:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Xsillione

Yep, some limitations would be nice, Italians regularly show up in France after they DOW on AH, and french and UK troops helped them defend after some success against them with the CP, which was somewhat unrealistic. Not to mention the Bulgarian army in France and other parts, which happened in small scale, but not whole corps and more.

It could even be expanded, like Romanian troops only entering into AH, Serbia and other Balkan countries and Russia, no ventures into Germany or Ottomans, and similar limitations on every/most countries, esp the minors.

I agree, an MPP cost to make a unit capable of doing this. Nothing huge like a buying a Corp but for a unit already on the map 50-75 MPP and include an operational movement to the target country.

One thing I have seen that bothers me is with French troops fighting in Italy while the Germans advance into France. The above would make it possible if the situation were suitable for moving home country troops to somewhere else, but it would also have a price that needs to be paid to give pause for thought as to whether to do it or not.

lwarmonger -> RE: American Entry (1/13/2020 2:56:20 AM)

Isnt that what happened though? During Germany's final offensive in the west there were French and British soldiers still in italy shoring up the italian army after caporetto.

Dalwin -> RE: American Entry (1/13/2020 8:56:17 PM)

I think the simplest mechanism to discourage some of this mixing could be through HQ units. Of course the improved supply value from an HQ would apply to all nationalities, but what if any command bonuses could only be applied to units whose nationality matches the HQ?

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