Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Strategic Command Series >> Strategic Command WWII: World at War >> Multiplayer Sessions


HamburgerMeat -> Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (1/9/2020 1:43:12 PM)

Full on opponents now

havoc1371 -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (1/24/2020 6:49:59 PM)

I'll play the Axis in a 1939 campaign. I generally can return at least one turn a day. I finish my games, so I won't disappear or slow my moves if things go against me.

HamburgerMeat -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (1/24/2020 8:42:58 PM)

PM'd password

HamburgerMeat -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (1/29/2020 5:05:59 PM)


Cpuncher -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (2/17/2020 4:02:12 AM)

I can play both the Axis or the Allies. I can generally return 1 turn a day for both.

PanzerRommel -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (2/17/2020 1:36:21 PM)

Hi, if you search for a average player... I make one turn per Day

HamburgerMeat -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (2/22/2020 2:27:11 AM)

Would either of you be interested in playing as Axis in an AAR? I'm going to try to demonstrate how to play the Allies

Cpuncher -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (2/22/2020 4:13:00 AM)

I am interested. So you will be writing an AAR from the Allies side while I just play?

HamburgerMeat -> RE: Looking for advanced opponent (axis or allies) 1939 (2/22/2020 5:39:23 AM)

Yeah, I will pm you the password

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