help wanted and bug repport (Full Version)

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cracou -> help wanted and bug repport (5/16/2000 4:25:00 AM)

first, thanks for this wonderfull game Help: The movement of my vehiches is VERY slow. It removes allthe fun from the game. I tried to set the "movement speed button" at default, and 1 to 5, and even at speed 1 it's very slow. Can anybody do anything? and it's not my computer (sp1 2 3 palyed well, and the planes in this game go as fast as usual) bug?? when I click on a unit, i don't always see it's movement radius, even when I can move it some wrecks disapeared from the screen thanks all. ------------------ Le Cracoucas

Alby -> (5/16/2000 6:48:00 AM)


Originally posted by cracou: first, thanks for this wonderfull game Help: The movement of my vehiches is VERY slow. It removes allthe fun from the game. I tried to set the "movement speed button" at default, and 1 to 5, and even at speed 1 it's very slow. Can anybody do anything? and it's not my computer (sp1 2 3 palyed well, and the planes in this game go as fast as usual) bug?? when I click on a unit, i don't always see it's movement radius, even when I can move it some wrecks disapeared from the screen thanks all.
I too had slow units, they all moved greaT IN sp1 2 and 3 i had only 200 mhz cpu, now i have 366 speed units move fine now with movement setting to XXX(this is fastest) but now sp3 units move in warp speed,hyper so it is proably your cpu speed as for move radius, turn off command and control in preferences or check to see if they are suppressed units [This message has been edited by Alby (edited 05-15-2000).]

Wild Bill -> (5/16/2000 11:52:00 AM)

Good reply Alby...Nothing to add here...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

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