Flaviusx -> RE: 39 Scenario Balance Suggestions (1/13/2020 10:30:08 PM)
They only get 10 landing craft to start with. But they are perfectly capable of building up to 60 by August or September 1940 and putting ashore two full corps, backed by the entire luftwaffe. 75 production and wait 3 months. So you put them in the build queue right around May, knock out France, and you are good to go. You almost certainly will have at least a month of clear weather to do this, and maybe more. 75 production isn't even half the German per turn production at this stage, assuming they have Poland, Denmark and the low countries. By this point Germany is approaching 250/turn. They actually outproduce the combined French and British economies at this point of the game. During the winter, Germany builds a couple of mech and otherwise just pumps out aircraft and replacements and trucks. Since Belgium is gone, they are a half dozen hexes away from Paris in May of 40 and 4 mobile corps is enough to do the job, with airpower supplying the real punch.