Since there are multiple units per field now... (Full Version)

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Perturabo -> Since there are multiple units per field now... (1/28/2020 4:54:44 PM)

Perhaps it would be possible to turn off the ghost wreck thing? I always found it somewhat immersion-breaking. And also, the idea of wrecks being a bit of an obstacle - like if there's a street choked with three dead tanks, then it means something. In the end there could be three immobilised tanks as well.

Veitikka -> RE: Since there are multiple units per field now... (1/30/2020 11:19:01 PM)

In the current system, I think it could look quite bad if the non-transparent vehicles/wrecks were piled on top of each other...

exsonic01 -> RE: Since there are multiple units per field now... (1/31/2020 4:52:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: Veitikka
In the current system, I think it could look quite bad if the non-transparent vehicles/wrecks were piled on top of each other...

Do you mean performance or FPS? Do wrecks eat up huge resources?

I'm also a player who thinks it would be better to have an option of turn on / off transparency if wrecks. Or, giving some grade to transparing wrecks - 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0%...

Perturabo -> RE: Since there are multiple units per field now... (2/1/2020 2:41:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: exsonic01


ORIGINAL: Veitikka
In the current system, I think it could look quite bad if the non-transparent vehicles/wrecks were piled on top of each other...

Do you mean performance or FPS? Do wrecks eat up huge resources?

I'm also a player who thinks it would be better to have an option of turn on / off transparency if wrecks. Or, giving some grade to transparing wrecks - 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0%...

Wrecks used to be non-transparent. They got transparent because there was only 1 unit per field and they could block places.

I mean that it would be nice if wrecks were not only non-transparent but would also count towards vehicle limit per cell.

Veitikka -> RE: Since there are multiple units per field now... (2/1/2020 5:28:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: exsonic01


ORIGINAL: Veitikka
In the current system, I think it could look quite bad if the non-transparent vehicles/wrecks were piled on top of each other...

Do you mean performance or FPS? Do wrecks eat up huge resources?

I'm also a player who thinks it would be better to have an option of turn on / off transparency if wrecks. Or, giving some grade to transparing wrecks - 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0%...

I'm talking about the cosmetic side. Like I said, it can look bad if units seem to move 'below' a wreck. If the wreck is transparent then it doesn't hurt the eye nearly as much.

exsonic01 -> RE: Since there are multiple units per field now... (2/2/2020 3:03:04 AM)

If it is purely cosmetic, then let's give an option of "set 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0% of wrecks transparent" to players who decides how many wrecks visible.

"look bad" or "would be nice" is very subjective and personal so I think such option will satisfy wide range of player reaction.

I'm not sure about vehicle limit, but I kinda agree about wrecks should be regarded as cover and obstacles.

Is this possible to increase cover value and vehicle maneuverability of tile based on number of vehicle wrecks?

So that wreck-packed tile would induce vehicles to move very slow, but vehicles passing through can use wrecks as cover. If too many wrecks are there then AI should choose other route...

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