ineffable -> RE: UnsUng Hero (2/22/2020 10:18:14 PM)
Yes. In \Close Combat The Bloody First\Data\Mapview.txt I edited the values marked *. Edit to taste but do enable Free Camera in Options. I like getting down to a soldier's POV of the battlefield. Plus, when using a low-angle camera, the tracer effects provide a little extra jolt of adrenaline. The devs keep saying the models werent built for such close inspection but, except for a little clipping on vehicle treads, I think theyre fine, especially when compared to the puny, pixelated soldiers and vehs in classic CC. No doubt in my mind that taking the series to 3D was the right move. *ZOOM 80 ZOOMLIMIT 300 ROTATE 0 FOV 40 *ZOOMINLIMIT 20 TOPDOWNZOOMLIMIT 300 *TOPDOWNZOOMINLIMIT 20 ORDERLINEALPHA 60 ORDERLINEWIDTH 0.5 SELECTIONBOXCOLOUR D0FFFF88 *PITCH 30 *PITCH2 50 *PITCHLIMIT 10 COOPFRAMETINT C08888FF CURSORICONSIZE 15 MOVEDOTSIZE 1.0