Please don't give up this game! (Full Version)

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woos1981 -> Please don't give up this game! (2/2/2020 3:28:19 AM)

Dear Turnopia

Mare Nostrvm is a great game, I love it very much and in the current game market has no such subject matter.However, I have noticed that the game has stopped updating since 2017, and there is no further progress in the update content and total factor editing functions you promised before.I don't know what made you give up on this very promising game.I know a lot of players who feel the same way.I am writing this post to hope that you can continue to develop and improve this game or to know your current status.Best wishes to you.I look forward receiving your reply. Thank you!

OldSarge -> RE: Please don't give up this gameI (3/7/2020 8:07:18 PM)

I agree! It looks like Daniel hasn't logged in since March 2018, his web site is still up, but there isn't any news about his current projects, if any.

gabeeg -> RE: Please don't give up this game! (4/20/2020 7:35:33 AM)

Add me to the list of those that appreciate this game. I think it is a good foundation for a lot more...I hold hope it will be revisited!

Piteas -> RE: Please don't give up this game! (4/20/2020 3:23:38 PM)

Months ago, Daniel said in a spanish forum that he´s making Quadriga II.
Mare Nostrvm is frozen right now.

woos1981 -> RE: Please don't give up this game! (5/8/2020 11:54:52 AM)

I hope Daniel could pick up this game again and continue to improve it

JC_von_Preussen -> RE: Please don't give up this game! (6/25/2020 8:27:00 AM)

I love the game, but there is no new content nor new patches like the one that keep FOG2's community alive.
I wish it was given more focus. It is really a masterpiece.

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