klschult -> Amphipious Build Limits (2/19/2020 3:37:08 PM)
The research menu says Amphibious Warfare will increase the build limits of both types of amphibious transports. It also says Logistics will increase the build limit of all types of transports. The manual, p 172, section 1.23 says transport build limits increase with Logistics research. The manual, p 106, section 9.9.6 says Amphibious Warfare research will increase the build limits of both types of Amphibious Transports. Page 57, section 6.5.5, says researching Amphibious Warfare will increase build limits. Page 48, section 5.22, does not mention Amphibious Transport build limits as an automatic upgrade for Amphibious Warfare research, but does for Logistics Research. I have successfully researched both and sometimes I get a long range amphibious transport build capability, and sometimes I don't. Or so it seems.