Cpuncher -> RE: HamburgerMeat (Allies) vs Cpuncher (Axis) Educational AAR (1.06) (3/2/2020 6:02:57 PM)
Hi guys, I didn't know this thread existed, and I don't remember I've actually ever posted in this forum. Anyway, I should post some thoughts from my side to better the discussions here. About myself: I'm probably one of the better players. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that I'm very surprised that some of the basic moves I know that many of you here don't, in addition to that I haven't had much luck to find a loss recently. About the game: 1. All decent allied player will sit 4 ships in those 4 hex until the Italians are in the war. Whatever is allowed by the game I consider fair. I do hope this can be fixed though in a patch, that allied ships shouldn't be allowed to end their turn in them, or be automatically moved out of them. This would allow the Italians some options, et al move the corps from IEA to NA. 2. Concerning IEA, there will be no hope against any good allied player who understands supply, no matter how much Italy invests there. 3. That's why I'm using the only turn I can move 2 Italian units out of the Mediterranean with 2 unsinkable scouts for the German subs. They will be crucial to the survival of some of them (again, how can you guys not know this?[;)]). 4. Just a general thought about Eastern Front, I feel if it's between 2 good players, Germany should be able to capture all 3 fronts within a reasonable time frame (variable being how fast USA/UK can put a substantial force in W Europe in 42). I hope HamburgerMeat can prove me wrong. This, though unhistorical, is required for game balance to give Axis a chance to win. 5. This brings the thought, that if we want to improve historical accuracy, we have to change victory conditions. I hope it can be made that it's a DV for Axis if they can hold Berlin, Rome, Tokyo (and maybe 1 or 2 Allied major capitals) by 45 or 46. That way we can substantially improve the historical accuracy of the game by giving Russia a much better chance. (IMHO, if historically the Axis were able to sign a peace treaty without losing any of their capitals, it should be considered a huge victory for them, and the world as we know today would've been hugely different...WW3 might have happened in the 70's and we are already back in stone age...and we wouldn't be here playing this game, LOL) BTW, game with HamburgerMeat is stopped until the bugs are fixed. I see the Hot Fix is out.