EliphasTheInheritor -> RE: How to set Racial Research Restrictions? (3/9/2020 6:44:56 PM)
ORIGINAL: Rookwood Ok, here's my second attempt at a question that hasn't been asked yet. I'm looking at the research.txt for the base game and Extended. According to the modding guide, any racially restricted research should have an Allowed Races field with a list of the races that can research it. However that is not the case. The base game literally has no Allowed Races fields on any research and Extended only has it on the Shakturi Super Laser. Yet both versions know that certain techs are restricted to certain races. How? Yeah, noticed that myself when I was at the beginning of Distant Worlds modding and I was modifying just the files. Idk if this will help you, but there is a modding tool that I recommend you use, it's so easy to use and it will save you a lot of trouble.