[No Repro] Ship group speed not saved (Full Version)

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JPFisher55 -> [No Repro] Ship group speed not saved (3/15/2020 6:45:29 PM)

I have to add to the long list of minor bugs of CMO. Using the latest update, I noticed that the speed settings for my ship groups do not survive reopening a saved game. In the attached files, the ship task forces of Nato are set to creep. However, when the saved game is reopened (the second file), their speed settings are on cruise and the unchecked slow to reorganize boxes are not checked. Second file attached in following post.

JPFisher55 -> RE: Ship group speed not saved (3/15/2020 6:46:10 PM)

Second file

Rory Noonan -> RE: Ship group speed not saved (3/16/2020 1:30:32 AM)

Logged for investigation.


michaelm75au -> RE: Ship group speed not saved (3/24/2020 9:01:05 AM)

When I load the first save, the group speed and flag are restored correctly?

JPFisher55 -> RE: Ship group speed not saved (3/24/2020 1:23:39 PM)

The second save is right after the first and the ships have different speeds and their slow to regroup is checked when it was unchecked in the first save.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Ship group speed not saved (7/9/2020 5:22:21 PM)

Hi JPFisher55 -- I can't reproduce this in the current build.

I loaded each save file, went through the surface groups in the OOB list, and verified the group settings for regroup and throttle are identical.

I also tried unchecking the regroup checkbox and changed throttle for every surface group, then saved and reloaded. All reloaded with the correct setting.

If you have a way to reproduce this in the current build please let me know. Thanks!

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