A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (Full Version)

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HalfLifeExpert -> A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/24/2020 3:40:45 AM)

Hello all,

I thought of this idea for a scenario a couple days ago and just made it. It's simple, but a little long. It's about secrecy and patience. Time compression is a must.

Details are in the side briefing.....[;)]

Please let me know what you think.

VERSION 2 Uploaded

Tom Konczal -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/25/2020 2:42:44 PM)

Really enjoyed this one. Got to master my air to air refueling in this one.
Tom Konczal

Fido81 -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/26/2020 10:16:08 PM)

It's a unique concept, and was fun to play through. Thank you for sharing it!

Blast33 -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/27/2020 11:43:09 AM)

Thank you.

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/27/2020 9:57:34 PM)

Thank you for your feedback and kind words.

Was the wait for the target ship long enough? too long?

Fido81 -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/27/2020 10:57:22 PM)

I felt it was too long, but I took what was probably an unfairly hack-y approach (in that I used information the scenario provided that a real mission commander probably wouldn't have), and the situation was mitigated with a liberal use of time acceleration.

Incidentally, does anybody know what a doctrinally correct approach to the scenario would look like?

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/27/2020 11:42:26 PM)



Incidentally, does anybody know what a doctrinally correct approach to the scenario would look like?

Given this is intended as a Black Operation, there probably is no known 'correct' way to approach it.

Do you think the scenario would be better if the target ship started in the Northern Maldives (as opposed to further north in the Arabian Sea)?

schweggy -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/28/2020 1:10:19 AM)


I'd make this an 8 hour scenario. Perhaps limit the resources to a pair of P-8's, the EC-130 and one sub. Ditch the Indian Navy sub hunt. It was a distraction from the main mission. From my experience, "Black Ops" are routinely last minute SHTF type ops. Make the player have a sense of urgency.

This would require some planning and smart allocation of resources. And it would be harder to manage.

I played it through yesterday using "a lot of time compression." And by "a lot" I mean 90% of the scenario. Seems like a waste of time... [:D]

My $0.02

ojms -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/28/2020 4:00:38 PM)

Great little scenario, but perhaps start the "enemy" ship a bit closer to the action to speed it up?

Also the enemy subs seemed to be at surface with their radar active?

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: A new scenario: Project Ourang, 2015 (3/28/2020 8:35:40 PM)

Okay, I've uploaded Version 2. A few things have changed:

1) The Target ship now starts further along on it's path than before, having already passed the Maldives.

2) I've taken 24 hours off the time limit to make the scenario shorter, this scenario is intended to be on the longer side.

3) I may have fixed the issue with the Indian submarines mentioned above by ojms.

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